Chapter 4

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   Sunil had chosen the perfect hotel in Goa which was right by the beach. Our suite had a living room, dining area, and a master-bedroom which was separated by a staircase. We were very excited about the romantic weekend and we decided before-hand that neither of us would bring up anything regarding work throughout the weekend.

   We barely kept our hands off each other as we unpacked our luggage and settled in. The clothes we unpacked hardly made it to the closet and were just left scattered on the floor as we were too busy making out.

     "Do you have anything planned in particular or I am more than happy to spend all weekend doing just this." I whispered breaking from the kiss as I tried to catch my breath.

   He left out a giggle and placed a soft kiss on my forehead. "I actually have a special surprise planned for you."

   My face lit up and my cheeks turned pink.

     "Why don't you go upstairs and wait in the room while I arrange it for you." He said.

     "Alright." I agreed and gave him a quick kiss before I headed upstairs.

   I couldn't feel my legs as I climbed up the stairs bouncing on my way to the room. I had never seen this side of Sunil before. He had never been this committed to me or our relationship. I was so lost in thoughts and fell on my back on the bed blushing like the way in a dramatic movie. I laid down that way for a while still wondering about the surprise and counting each and every second as it passed by. I switched on my phone to look at the time and I realized that it had been past forty-five minutes and I started to feel a little restless. I wondered what Sunil had been doing downstairs for so long. There were so many unread messages and missed calls as I switched on my phone and it kept beeping. I didn't know how more long I had to wait, at least I could check my messages.

   As I opened the first message from my boss, I almost jumped up on the bed as I got through it. It said that the patent I had applied for, had been approved. There were tons of messages from my colleagues congratulating me. I couldn't believe what was happening. Of course this was the best thing that had happened to me in my career so far. I was so happy and felt like hugging someone at the moment. My parents lived in another country where it would be after mid-night for them and they might be asleep at the hour, but I couldn't resist keeping the great news from them and decided to leave a message right away. My parents had always encouraged me in my career and just thinking of how proud they would be, made me happy.

     "Tanya!" Sunil finally called out.
   I was so excited to see Sunil's reaction when I gave him the good news. I ran downstairs to break my big surprise but he had his own surprise waiting for me. He had prepared my favourite dish—pesto pasta, which was neatly placed on the table next to a bottle of wine and scented candles. It was such an adorable gesture that my face turned pink and I involuntarily grabbed him and kissed him.
     "So... what do you think?" He asked hesitantly.
   He looked so cute like a high school boy trying to impress his girlfriend.
     "Very impressive." I complimented.

   He held me tight and kissed me back.

     "You're going to be really impressed with me too after I break the great news I just got." I uttered eagerly, not able to hold the excitement in any longer.

   He waited eagerly.

     "My patent got approved." I almost shouted.

     "What?" He blurted out.

     "Yes! I couldn't believe it either." My voice sounded shrill and shaky with excitement. I thought I was the happiest I had ever been when I got the news but I realized it made me even happier to tell it out to someone and not just anyone, the person I was getting married to. I felt the urge to celebrate with him as I pulled him into a hug.

   He remained still for a minute but then shrugged away from the hug. "Wait, I thought we weren't checking our messages from work or talking about anything related to careers the whole weekend we're here." He reminded.

     "Yes, I know we had a pact but this is an exception. This is huge!" I cried out.

     "Exactly. It's always something coming in the way of our relationship. We decided to take a break and come down here just so we can spend some quality time and get to know each other leaving our work and everything else behind. I just cooked you this special dinner and all you can talk about is your career." He complained.

   I just stared at him not knowing how to respond. I was too tired to start a fight. More importantly, I didn't feel like justifying my argument to a man who was trying to ruin the best thing that had happened to me.

     "Sunil, I am really glad you cooked me this special dinner and I know we weren't supposed to talk about our jobs but this is huge news and I expect you to be happy for me." I confessed.

     "I am happy for you. Congratulations!" With that, he walked away upstairs into the bedroom.

   I felt so frustrated and exhausted at the same time. All the joy had disappeared, thanks to my fiancé. I realized my tongue was bleeding because I bit it hard in anger. I stormed out of the suite and shut the door hard behind me making a loud noise even though I wasn't sure if Sunil would be able to hear it and sense my frustration. 

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