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The sound of screeching buzzed through eighteen year old Fallacy's earholes as he ran through the thick, evergreen forest. His breathing was heavy, his black, thick skull was dripping with beads of sweat, and his mind was clouded with fear. A deep raspy voice shouted out through the tree tops as he called out Fallacy's name. But the young boy did not stop, didn't even pause to listen as the screamimg grew quieter from the distance. Once he was sure that he had lost him, Fallacy ducked down behind a large, oak tree.

"Huff huff huff......whew."

Making sure he wasn't being watched, the skeleton of dark bones looked down at the bundle of blankets, that had the words 'Jasper' etched into it.

He pushed away some of the cloth to reveal a dark boned, skeletal baby new born. The small child resembled Fallacy in more ways then one, except for the small detail of two sharp, glistening fangs hanging from the top of his mouth.

At the sight of his father, the baby smiled, cooing gleefully and reaching out for him. Fallacy smiled back down at him, until he saw the color of the child's eyes. It was the same color as her eyes.
Tears pricked the corner of his sockets, the reality of the loss of his beloved angel finally coming down on him. He brushed his thumb on the baby's cheek, pools of water now pouring down his face, like horrible, sad waterfalls.
Fallacy was so caught up in his crying, he hadn't noticed a cloaked figure, holding a torch in one hand, and a wooden stake in the other.

"Fallacy..." the cloaked figure called, his once screaming and angry voice, was now stern and serious. Fallacy jumped at the sound of his voice and spun around. Behind the cloaked man stood over fifty monsters and humans, holding the similar weapons.  
They were the maids and butlers that Fallacy and his sister had grown up with in their isolated castle, the ones who had practically raised them. But to Fallacy it didn't matter who they were anymore, they were all guilty, even with the same scared, angry expressions that they wore.

Fallacy's pupils never left the cloaked man. Holding the child close to his chest, Fallacy took a step backwards. The leader of the mob handed his torch to one of the maids behind him, then with much caution, took a step torwards the sorrowful skeleton.

"Fallacy.." he ordered, reaching his hand out, "Give me the child."
With a warning glare, Fallacy replied sternly,  "No Father, I wil do no such thing."

His father started to get angry again, more impatient it seems. "Listen here boy, it's bad enough that you ran away with that wretched beas-"

"YOU KILLED HER! I loved her and you took her away from me you racist bastard!" Depite Fallacy's interruption, the leader continued.

"-and now you've gone and created another beast....a vampire. The child must die before it seeks the need for blood!"  Fallacy had heard enough. This man had no right to say such things, he didn't even have the right or honour of calling himself a grandfather.

He spoke with both wisdom, and venomn, "This child, is my SON, and he is not the Beast here...." without a second of hesitation, Fallacy took his index finger and wiped some drool from his son's mouth. Despite how unsanitary this may have been, he put said finger in his own mouth and swallowed, right in front of everyone.

"What HAVE YOU DONE!?" his father screamed, as everyone behind him looked at the scene in confusion. Only Fallacy and his father knew what was going on, as Fallacy felt himself evolve. Painfully.
Fallacy did not know what in his right mind convinced him to take this action. To make himself a vampire.  Maybe it was his anger; his hate for his father. Maybe it was his sorrow;  his love for his son. He honestly didn't know why he had done it.
But he didn't care either.
The transformation was incredibly painful yet. The venom that now coursed through his bones, were combing with his blood cells, changing him. Fallacy felt as though a million sledgehammers were constantly banging on every part of his bone tissue....from the inside. However, the young boy did not show any signs of pain, despite how much it hurt, despite his tounge being pricked by his two canine teeth as they grew to an inch and a half long from their original size, despite the dark colored bat-like wings that emerged from his back, and spread out in relief. All because he refused to show any signs of weakness.
Fallacy's father had been so frightened by the sight, that instead of attacking while his son had been at his weakest point, that he ran. Far far away. All of the maids and butlers did not follow though, because they had no idea what their master had been so afraid of. Instead they just stood close together as they watched Fallacy transform.
When suddenly....the pain was gone.
The imaginary sledgehammers weren't there.
The fangs had even stopped growing.
And now, all Fallacy could feel.....

Was Immortality, coursing through his veins.

He had never felt so powerful.

Head bowed, Fallacy looked down at his free hand, and clenched it into a tight fist as he felt the overwhelming strength within it.
He smiled psychoticly, his fangs perfectly visible now.
Raising his head, he looked at all of the people before him, who gazed at him with utter horror.
They were all guilty, he told himself.
They all deserved to die for what they had put his family through.
Standing tall, The young boy gently set down his son next to the tree. Taking a babys rattle from his back pocket, he handed it to the small infant. The rattle was gold and purple, and had been given to Jasper by his mother when he was born.
Once he knew his son was occupied, Fallacy turned back around to face the crowd before him.
Gasping, the staff took steps back, as they saw the murderous look in Fallacy's now blood red eyes.


And they did, screaming and scampering apart like mice. But it did no good, because with great speed, Fallacy pulled their hearts from their chests and drained them of their blood (which didn't always taste good he might add, but it might be because he could possibly have preferences).

He knew there were fifty-five in all, he had murdered only fifty-four.
With the last butler in his grasp still alive, pleading for mercy, he brought the monster's face closed to his, and told him, "you are to tell of what happened tonight to both kingdoms, human and monster, that there is a new race, new kingdom. You are going to tell them that the person responsible of these the king of all vampires. But you are to not tell them of where the castle is located, or else I will kill you myself. Understood?" The mosnter nodded, fear never leaving his face. Dropping him, Fallacy watched as the man limped away pathetically.
Once he was sure the man was out of sight, Fallacy strolled through the forest and back to where his son was.
Picking him up, Fallacy had noticed that Jasper had fallen fast asleep.

And with a heavy heart, he made his way back to his childhood home, the castle.

Sighing, Fallacy told himself, "Time to go home."

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