March 15, 1862

Começar do início

Now that Armstrong is my guardian, which still angers me, he insists I always take either Patrick or Bub with me for everything I do outside.  I have only 2 hours until the twins next feeding, so I begged Patrick to move quickly.

"Bub has the horses ready, and I don't have long."  I said.

"I understand that Mrs. Westlake, but I also have a job to complete."  He countered.

"I beg of you to move quickly."  I batted my eye lashes, and he grinned.

"A lady should never beg."  He set his quill down and stood.  "We cannot go as far as Tuesday.  I've been given strict instructions." 

I grabbed his coat and helped him into it quickly, then pulled his hand and ran.  "I can feel the spring coming soon!"  I twirled around and Patrick laughed.

"You're also going to take a fall."  He laughed.

"Freedom is amazing, Patrick.  We must cherish every moment now that winter is over."  I clapped my hands together.

"You should take my sister for a ride later this afternoon.  She loves a ride, but watch her closely, she only rides side saddle." I found myself giggling internally.  "I prefer to ride astride."  I said with my handsome husband weighing heavily on my mind.

I am in no way a well mannered woman.  My husband has introduced me to things my mind never could have imagined. 

Maybe I am due for Sunday services since we missed so many this winter, then again, I fear I may burn when I cross the threshold.  My mother would fall over into her grave if she knew the way my mind works. 

Patrick helped me onto my horse, although I do not need help.  He jumped onto his and tried to instruct me, but I kicked my horse and we took off.  The cool wind ran through my hair, and today I feel better than any day I've had for many days. 

I slowed when I got to the tree line, and Patrick grabbed my reins.  He held his fingers up to tell me to be quiet and pointed down the hill.  He jumped off his horse and put his hand on his revolver. 

He mouthed "Five men."  And pointed down the hill, so I slipped off my horse and quietly moved closer, peeking from behind a tree. 

Patrick had a serious face as we watched the men ride closer.  My heartbeat sped up when I saw the statue of the largest man, and I whispered.  "Daddy?" 

Patrick whipped his head around and looked at me.  "Daddy!" 

I jumped back on my horse and took off with Patrick on my heels.

My father sped up, and as soon as I got close enough, I jumped off my horse just as my father did, and he pulled me into his strong arms.

"Daddy!  How did you get here?"  I pulled back and looked at the other men.  Only one was a stranger.

"Louis!"  My brother jumped down and pulled me into his bear hug.

"Jeremiah?"  I could barely tell with his beard.  He jumped off his horse and swung me around.  "I missed you kid." 

"What about me?"  I turned and saw my brother Asa, and he also bear hugged me.  "All of you!  Is my husband near?" 

They all looked at each other then shook their heads.  Father spoke up.  "I'm sorry sweetheart.  He was given a different assignment and couldn't come this time.  He was sent to Boston to meet with his father.  The senior Westlake is now heading up his own Regiment.  It's not clear if he will be joining his forces."

"Boston?  So much further away."  I was so disappointed, but hopefully that keeps him away from Lee and his advances.

"Let's get you all warmed up and some food in those bellies.  Oh, this is Patrick." 

My dad walked over and shook his hand.  "I've heard you're a fine young man and I owe you all my respect for saving my daughter and grandchildren."

Patrick only nodded, then we all mounted and rode to the house.  "Who taught my daughter to ride astride in such a way?"  I blushed, and Jeremiah chuckled.  How did he know our secret?

"I always have father." 

This time Louis chuckled, and father gave him a stern look.

"I'm ready to see these grandchildren Mr. Westlake constantly speaks about." 

"They're sleeping at the moment, but Mae is with them."  I told him.

I had baths drawn, and again handed out my husbands clothing before settling down to feed my children.  Once I was done, Mae helped me bring them downstairs to meet their grandfather, uncles, and their mother's closest friend from back home.

"I'm guessing you were sent with messages for Indianapolis and Corydon?" I asked.

"Yes, and after that, we were given a few days leave."  Daddy answered. 

The strangers name is Joshua Newcomb from a small town near North Vernon, Indiana.  He is a very young man near my age.  I can't help but notice that he is also very handsome.

"How old are they now?"  Dad asks as he holds Elizabeth and Asa holds Ollie.

"Almost three months."  I answered. 

"They're certainly healthy."  Dad says as he studies Ollie's chubby little legs while he lays in Asa's arms.

Asa hands Ollie to Louis.  "I can't believe our wild little sister is a mother."  Asa says just as daddy turned to Mae.

Father tightly hugs Mae, and she was close to tears.  "I missed you so, daddy."  She says. 

They walked off and had some quiet time together. 

The Forgotten Ones (A Completed Steamy, Historical Romance)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora