What We're Fighting For

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Chapter 1: 1 Introductions

It was absolute chaos!

Spells exploded throughout the atrium of the Ministry of Magic, taking gargantuan chunks of tile, plaster and stone off the walls, shattering windows, splintering doors, and creating a thick choking cloud of smoke.

The once beautiful fountain statue that was the centerpiece of the atrium had been reduced to tennis ball sized rubble. The water had been spilled onto the floor and had mixed with the dust and stone to create a thick grayish sludge. Tables and chairs from the cafés had been thrown all around and the news stand was all but splinters now.

Twelve Death Eaters were fighting to escape while their enemies kept them from the floos, and their freedom. Even their leader, the most powerful dark wizard in history was having difficulty in ending this battle.

All at once, the floos began to come alive and high ranking members of the Ministry as well as members of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement began to step out. Even the Minister of Magic himself stepped out of one of the fireplaces made for magical travel, looking quite put out at having been called into the Ministry at this hour of the night.

Cornelius Fudge was scowling, and preparing himself to scream at whoever had sent for him. That was until he very nearly lost his head as a fiery purple spell soared very close to his head, ripping a football sized hole out of the wall behind him. Fear overcame his previous anger as he, and the rest of those who had just arrived beheld the monumental battle playing out within the Ministry of Magic in stunned silence and awe.

Lord Voldemort, the most evil and feared wizard in over a hundred years was locked in furious combat with Albus Dumbledore, former Headmaster of Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Voldemort had been believed to be dead for over fourteen years, yet here he was right before the Minister's disbelieving eyes.

Fudge had spent the better part of a year trying to discredit Albus Dumbledore, whom had been desperately trying to warn the populace that the Dark Lord had somehow risen from the dead. Now there was no way Fudge could sweep this under the rug. Word was going to get out, and before he knew it, the wizarding world would know Albus Dumbledore was not insane after all.

As Fudge took in the battle, he saw some other noteable people in the fight. The first was Amelia Bones, head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. She was locked in battle with Bellatrix LeStange, an extremely dangerous and deranged prisoner whom had very recently broken out of Azkaban prison. Bellatrix taunted and teased as she fought, but Amelia ignored the crazed woman's verbal assault and focused on her own combat. Watching Amelia Bones, Fudge understood how it was she fought her way up the ranks to become the head of her department. She had not lost her fighting edge at all over the years spent behind a desk.

Alastor Moody was also there. Arguably one of the most famous and respected Aurors the Ministry had ever had, the now retired man was making easy work of not one, but two Death Eaters, who looked to be struggling to keep the grizzled man at bay.

Fudge got a serious shock when he recognized Sirius Black. Black had not been seen in over fourteen years, and was believed to have sold out the Potters, the last people killed by Lord Voldemort before his fall. Yet here he was fighting the Death Eaters along side Amelia Bones and Albus Dumbledore. The man was actually smiling as he fought as if the battle was nothing more than a game.

And then Fudge received his greatest shock when he saw his very good friend, and strongest supporter, Lucius Malfoy. But Malofy wasn't fighting against the Death Eaters. He was dressed in the black robes of Lord Voldemort's followers, and fighting against a young looking man dressed almost like a covert operative.

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