"Do you know the definition of memento?"

"Just take the picture Chels" he said in an exasperated tone  before laughing

"Fine, fine" 

Louis pulled me closer, making a face. I copied him, looking at his phone. While I had a goofy expression on my face; I smiled internally. The day I thought was going to be horrible, turned out to be perfect. And it's only Nine fifty- It's nine fifty?! 

"Oh crap" I said, quickly standing up

"What's wrong?" Louis stood up as I rushed around my room, gathering my things

"I'm going to be late for my first class. I have a huge test" I stuffed my face with the rest of my donut, quickly washing it down with my milk. Louis emitted a laugh, failing at his attempt to hide it

"Don't laugh at me. I'm in a rush" I laughed as well, wiping my face with a napkin

"You'll do great on the test babe" Louis said, pulling me to him long enough for him to plant a kiss on my forehead


"FINALLY" Monica's voice was loud enough for the whole building to hear her "Oh my gosh, you have no idea how long I've been waiting for this moment. Actually I'll tell you" Monica said all in one breath. Derek and I laughed let out a small laugh as she continued 

"I've been waiting for this since October. Which means I've been waiting five long months"

"I've been waiting a long time too" I laughed "You aren't the only one"

"Why didn't you do it sooner?" Monica asked, her hand now in-twined with Derek's as the cuddle close together on the common room couch

"I was nervous" I shrugged

I was utterly nervous. I did everything I could to keep my hands from shaking as I kissed Chelsea. But when we did kiss; I was just reassured that Chelsea really is the girl i'm meant to be with

"You? Nervous? to kiss a girl?" Monica said, her expression was just as surprised as Derek's

"I believe that's what I said" 

"I've never heard that before" Derek raised an eyebrow

"Well that's because I've never been nervous to kiss a girl before. Now quit making a big deal out of it" 

"Okay, okay" Derek grinned, backing away from the subject

"So when do you think Chelsea will want me to meet her parents?" I asked, shifting in my seat

"Dude, I haven't even met Monica's parents yet. Don't you think it's a little early for that?"

"I don't know" i took a breath "I just have this feeling that Chelsea...I don't know. She's just really special."

Monica's face displayed the largest smile "Meet her parents. Even if it's over Skype. Just meet her parents"

I raised an eyebrow at her response "Why" i uttered

"You're right. She's special. You need to meet her parents." her smile stayed

"...Okay. But what if she doesn't want me to meet her parents?"

"Lou" Derek laughed "Stop being so worried"


I walked into my third class of the day, slipping into my spot int the lecture hall and pulling out a clean sheet of paper. I laid it gently in front of me, waiting for my professor to begin the lecture

"Before we begin class today" Professor Gibson said, making her way to the front of the large room "We have a special delivery. " She carried a large bouquet of roses "Ms Chelsea, these are for you" 

I grinned, walking to the front of the room to grab my gift. Whispers began filling the room. Louis name was tossed around multiple times. 

As I made my way back to my seat, I was offered many glares from countless girls. I smiled in return, smelling my flowers


After I was done with my classes, I sat on the bench outside of the building where Chelsea has her last class of the day. The door opened and students began flooding outside. A few minutes passed before I finally caught glance of Chelsea. She saw me and hurriedly walked- ran to me.

"Louis" she said, quickly pecking my cheek before hugging me firmly 

I was surprised she was so excited to see me. I'm not going to say I didn't enjoy it though

"Hey, love." I smiled

"Hi" she smiled back "It was really sweet of you, you know" she gleamed

"What was sweet?"

"The flowers you sent me"

"I didn't send you flowers Chels" I said, now very intrigued about the information I was just given "Who said I gave you flowers"

Chelsea's face fell "Someone sent me flowers in class today. I just assumed it was you" she said quieter now

Who would send her flowers when they know she's dating me? 


"It was the jerk, Cody" i ran my fingers through my hair, then fixing my beanie. I roughly played with my lip ring, trying not to explode.

"I'll be back" I say, walking to my car

"Louis, wait" Chelsea grabbed my hand "Don't do anything you'll regret. I don't want you getting in trouble for me"

"You're the only thing worth getting in trouble for Chelsea" 


I arrive on Cody's campus, easily getting in. I easily spot him sitting at a picnic table.

"Cody" I yell, making my face slightly faster before stopping next to him

"What do you want" he replied simply, obviously recognizing my voice and not bothering to look up. His body language read cocky and arrogant

"I want you to leave my girlfriend alone" I say in a stern voice

"She'll only be your girlfriend for about another week or so. Then you'll move on" he said, still not looking up

"You've got to be kidding me. You have no idea what my intentions are with Chelsea"

"Yes I do. They are the same intentions you have with every other girl. You'll break Chelsea's heart, then she'll be crying and call me again like she did when you broke her heart the first time. Then after you've destroyed her heart, I'll come in and pick up the pieces-"

"Shut up" I shove him, now getting his attention "I would never do that to Chelsea"

"Hmm, you already have, haven't you? Ski Lounge...pool table." he stated "Ring a bell?"

"I would never do that again" I say, steaming "I love her" I say, not even realizing it came out of my mouth until after I said it

"Just like you loved all your other girlfriends, right"

Before thinking, I swung directly at Cody, hitting him square in the nose.

"WHAT THE HECK" he yelled, holding his nose

"I don't want you even talking to Chelsea when you see her at church, or anywhere else" I order

"I don't go to church anymore" he said, holding his nose

"Figures" I mutter before walking away

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