Meeting Martha

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Remember, this is my own version so I can make things up! Enjoy!

The all-beautiful Mrs Medlock and the selfish Mary arrived at the mansion. Mrs Medlock took Mary to her room.

"This will be your room. Yup, ugly. Now, you are only allowed in this room, the nursery in the next room and the gardens! Understood? Good! Toodles!" explained Mrs Medlock, flicking her hair and walking off.

Mary rolled her eyes. She hated it. Her servants were prettier than her and more self-absorbed than her.

"I HATE IT HERE!" shouted Mary, throwing her bags on the floor. She took her coat off and opened her wardrobe.

"Ugh. Black. Black. Black! IS THERE ANYTHING IN HERE OTHER THAN BLACK!" wailed Mary, stomping her foot.

She found a white nightgown.
"This'll do. I'm sleeping this day away," groaned Mary. She struggled into her nightgown before getting into bed.

The next day...

Mary fluttered her eyes open and sat up.
"Oh. Good morning ma'am. I'm Martha," curtsied a girl. She looked about 17 years old. She was wearing a knee-length pink skirt, a long red jumper and had her hair in pigtails.

"Are you my servant?" asked Mary awkwardly.
"Oh no. I just look after you. Sometimes. I am Mrs Medlock's servant. And she's Mr Craven's," explained Martha, chuckling.
"You have zero fashion sense," Mary remarked, getting up from bed.


Mary lifted her arms.
"You coming up here for my breakfast makes you my servant! Dress me!" ordered Mary.
Martha shook her head, groaned and took her night dress off.

She wandered to the wardrobe.
"Ok. So, you have black, black, black, black and many more black. Which do you want to wear?" sighed Martha, holding a few dresses.

"Are you stupid? They are all black. Honestly, servants who can dress how they want and are stupid. India was way much better!" insulted Mary.
"We're gonna have to lose that attitude young lady!" snapped Martha, taking a dress and putting it on Mary.

"If I'm being honest, when I heard you were from India, I pictured you as a girl with black skin," chuckled Martha.

Mary turned around to face Martha.

"Oh sister you did not go there. Your the daughter of a pig and excuse me missy but you know nothing of anything. I bet you don't even know my name," scoffed Martha.

Mary face planted her bed and started crying.
"Ugh crybaby. Get up and eat your breakfast!" groaned Martha.

Mary obeyed, but giving death glares to her. She took one look at the horrible porridge and shook her head.
"What is this? It looks foul!" cried Mary.
"It's porridge. You either eat it or not. I don't actually care," smirked Martha.

Mary took a spoonful of the porridge and slowly put it in her mouth.
"Look kid, I'm sorry. Let's just forget this ever happened and move on," sighed Martha, resting her arms on the table the breakfast was on.

"Fine," sighed Mary. "Take this back to the kitchen. I shall not be eating today thank you very much!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2018 ⏰

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