A reminder.

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I'm just writing this chapter as a reminder that all of these past loves and friendships came with a lot of hardships and tears too.

You want to know why I won't change?
I simply don't care anymore.

Like it's not that I don't care about the people I'm changing for, it's myself. I don't care about what person I am, love me or hate me. Frankly, don't give a fuck. I'm used to being the way I am, dropping out of friendships like flies. Everyone has this perception in life that you'll always find new friends, but what if that's not the case?
I sometimes like having none, it's like reality is caving in on you and you can't escape. It makes you realise that humans are just weak and pathetic, no matter who you are it's all the same.
Other mammals learn to survive in the wild, fend for themselves. We're a bit like wild animals, aren't we?
Except instead of predators we have our own kind. They circle us like vultures, waiting for a slip up then they zoom onto their prey.

We're all prey, set out in this stimulation for survival.

Get ready , you'll be slaughtered

~ Mono

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