Chapter Thirteen: Finally

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"HEY! Sit up, Felix! You owe us an update!" Jeongin says and I fix my position where I cross my legs on the bed.

"Update about what? Nothing's been happening." I tell them and Jeongin looks at me accusingly

"Bullshit! You go out with THE JOHNNY SEO of NCT AANND THE TEN of NCT, and there's no update?" He says accusingly and Seungmin has a small smile and nods along.

"You already know what's happening between them guys" I say and they both nod.

Of course I told them that the two hyungs were dating. One, because they're my best friends, two, because they would probably not stop with the Johnny jokes until something happened. So it was a life or death situation, I had to tell them. I told Johnny-hyung and he was cool with it.

"So that's it? you guys just talked" Seungmin asked and I just rolled my eyes.

"NoOOOo Seungmin, We talked about THE SEX and compared DICK SIZES" I say with so much sarcasm that the two boys laughed.

"So how big was Johnny-hyung?" Seungmin asks and if I was drinking water, I would've spit it out five times in a role.

"I HOPE YOU KNOW I MEANT THAT AS A JOKE! WE DID NOT COMPARE SIZES!" I start yelling, I feel my cheeks flushing because this is getting out of hand.

"I bet Johnny-hyung is a bigger than horse" Jeongin says

And just as Jeongin says that, Hyunjin enters my room, hearing the full statement and looking pretty shocked about it too. All our eyes are on Hyunjin because he suddenly entered the room, then after hearing Jeongin, he looked pretty speechless.

"I was, going to ask for something, but you guys seem busy.... I'll come back later" Hyunjin says as he slowly closes the room door.

"Ah, so it's still pretty awkward between you guys." Seungmin says

"Yes, but then again I'd feel pretty awkward too if I saw a bunch of kids talking about Johnny's size" I tell the two and they both nod as if it was nothing.

"So when will things between you guys, be fixed?" Seungmin asked and I just shrug my shoulders and fall back on the bed.

"I don't know, dude. It all depends on him. I'm just trying to act mature and civil" I tell them and the two lie down on my bed.

"That's very mature and civil of you, Felix" Jeongin says and I just giggle a bit

"Well, that is the goal!" I tell him and he hums in acknowledgement.

"I can't wait till you guys are properly together." Seungmin says from beside me

"Do you really think it will happen?" I ask him and I feel him nod

"We all bet on it" He says and I turn my head really quick to see if he's joking.... He's not.

"DID YOU ALL BET ON MY LOVE LIFE" I ask with major shock in my voice

"Yeah we did. In the first bet, we were kind of torn, like Changbin-hyung even bet that you and Hyunjin-hyung would get together after the "My pace" comeback but now we all bet that Hyunjiin-hyung will do something pretty drastic just to get you back" Jeongin says and as much as I would love to feel touched that my boys are sort of rooting for me....but... what the fuck?

"You had 2 bets?" I ask still in shock.

"Three actually, if you count the one with manager-nom" Seungmin says and I just close my eyes and pretend I didn't hear that because I don't even WANT to know what went down in that bet.

"Oh well, whatever happens, happens. I'm down with whatever he chooses" I tell them

"Don't worry, Felix. We got you" Jeongin says and I feel touched by this.

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