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:party at sunday~cosmonauts

You shot up almost instantly, causing Finn to wake up.

"Y/n? Are you okay?"

It was just a dream.

You knew Finn didn't really love you.

"Y/n?..y/n, are you okay?"
Finn shook my shoulder.

I turned to face Finn.
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Just..a dream."

"Oh okay."
Finn looked down to see his hand on yours.
He quickly moved his hand and blushed.

You smiled.

"I'm sorry for staying over. I really didn't mean to."

"Oh no, it's fine. Really. I wasn't gonna force you out."

He smiled back.

The red glow of the alarm clock behind Finn, on his dresser, caught your attention.


Your eyes went wide.

"Shit shit shit."
You immediately got up and grabbed your phone off the nightstand, beside you.

"Where are you going?" Finn asked.

"Home. If my dad catches me gone, he'll literally beat my ass. Not even joking or exaggerating."

"No, please! I mean-" he cleared his throat.
"We could just skip school there's no harm to that, and I'm sure you Dad is sleeping right now or something."

I mean, he wasn't wrong. My dad never wakes up that early and he'd never know if I went to school or not. He never takes me to school so I just walk and he doesn't go to work until 12:00pm.

Maybe I could just sleep for a little bit longer.

You faced him.

"Fine. But I have to be home by five. That's when my mom gets home. Or supposed to be at least." You said smiling.

Finn put his hands up in surrender and smiled back.

"I'm not holding you hostage."
You laughed and put your phone back down on the nightstand.

He pulled the blanket out a little, signaling for you to lay down next to him.(does that makes sense?)

You laid down and faced him.

You smiled at each other.

This wasn't weird, was it?
No. It's just what friends do. Right?

Finn's POV
She probably thinks this is weird.
I mean it's not.
It's just what friends do: comfort each other.
Why does that word hurt me so much?

I didn't want to be just "friends" with y/n.
Because, if I was just friends with y/n, then I wouldn't be able to cuddle her, or do the couple-ly(couple-ly? Idk) things I want to do with her. I can't do couple-ly things with my friend.
Ugh. Feelings are annoying.
Jk wattpad hasn't fixed its shit.
Anyways, please vote you viewers.
It would mean a lot to me if you did.
Even though you probably don't care.
bye losers👆🏻
Word count: 459 words

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