The Meeting

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*beep beep beep beep*
Tony groaned and turned off his alarm which read the time 8:00 he wanted to sleep in but he guessed he forgot to turn FRIDAY off he got out of bed and went to the kitchen he remembered he wanted the day off because he was in his depressed mood and couldn't think straight "ugh I need a drink" tony said while opening the fridge and taking out a bottle of vodka. "Maybe later tonight I can go out and have a little fun" tony said. Tony thought: who was he kidding he wouldn't have fun he was still depressed over him and peppers break up he just never had fun.


Later that night after a hard days of working on his suit tony decided to go to the bar. As he walked in some people started to look at him he didnt care anymore he didnt care that people hated him he was so used to it he didn't even hurt anymore. Tony looked at the bartender and said" the strongest thing you have please" the bartender looked at him surprised and said " yes sir!". Tony saw a mysterious guy come up and sit next to him and the guy said "rough day!" In the most cheerful way he possibly could've sounded. Tony replied with a slight nod. "What don't talk much?" Tony just stared at him and looked away he didn't have time for this as tony started to walk out the door leaving a few dollars for the bartender he felt the man grab his arm and pull him back tony was shocked and said "what is wrong with you?!" The guy said "oh he speaks" in a very giddy tone. Tony replied with a snort of agrivaton "of course I talk I'm not a mute I just don't have time for non sense!" The guy looked hurt but tony soon realized he was actually amused. "Come on let's just have a talk why dont we sit over there have a few beers I'm not gonna be here much longer" tony replied with a slight nod " fine only because I have nothing better to do" " sounds great let's sit over there" the stranger pointed to the table in the back and started to head towards it. As tony sat down he took the time to examine the stranger he just met he was thin and tall and had a redissh brownish looking leather jacket and had some sort of hearing aid around his ear maybe he's a little deaf? Tony thought to himelself. "So?" The stranger said taking tony out of his thoughts tony replied with "what?" "What's your name?" Replied the stranger. Tony looked at him for a moment didn't he know who he was? He was the playboy millionaire how does he not know who he is? Tony said" you don't know who I am?" The stranger looked tony up and down " If I knew who you were I wouldn't have asked for your name" tony looked at him guess he doesnt know and tony replied with "My name is tony stark I'm a playboy millionaire here in new york." The stranger looked at him in surprise "What!? Your a millionaire !?" Tony just nodded his head " I'm very well known around here and I'm ironman" the stranger looked baffled "wow well and honer to meet you honestly I didnt know I'm not from around here ya know I'm actually from space" tony looked at him in amusement "mhm sure" he snickered. The stranger replied with a hint of amusement in his eyes as well "of course you dont believe me but I'm fine with that" he let out a short laugh Tony was actually enjoying himself with this man he didn't know what it was about this man that he liked so much but he did he looked at his watch and saw what time it was it was half past midnight he was surprised he stayed this long with this man he looked at the stranger one last time and admire him he had such a good time so it was only fair to ask this question "can I have your number?" Tony asked. The stranger looked at him and grabbed a pen and a napkins and wrote some numbers out and handed it to him "here" he said "thanks" the stranger got up and started his way to the door "wait!!" Tony shouted and grabbed the man's arm. The stranger looked at him and replied "yes?" With an amused look. "I never got you name!" The stranger laughed and said "Quill Peter Quill some people call me starlord" and with that he walked out the door tony went back home got a shower and laid in his bed he wanted to know more about this Peter Quill he had just met but he thought it would be better to wait until morning to think about it.

this is my first story I'm excited to write this one because I ship them so much but please tell me what you think about it I'll try and update as much as I can but I have a lot of school but anyways I hope you guys like it!!!

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