"I could be yours, i could be your baby tonight"

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Frankie was counting down the minutes until school was over. She would be seeing Jack, and she was excited. He talked to her so nice but she knew to be careful, pretty words have tricked her before. Just three more minutes, she let out a bored sigh beside Cami.

"Why are you in such a rush?" Cami chuckled at her best friend.

"I met this guy the other day-" Frankie started to say and Cami gasped in disbelief.

"Who?" Cami asked.

"His name is Jack, he's picking me up after school." Frankie smiled at the thought of seeing his perfect grin.

"Where does he go?" The bell rang.

"He graduated in June. He starts college in the spring." Frankie and Cami walked to their lockers.

"An older boy, Frankie, you are really looking out for yourself." Cami nodded in approval.

"He seemed really sweet and now that I don't have my distraction, I thought I might as well give him a chance." Frankie put her books away and took out her white binder.

"Well, hurry! What if he's been waiting for a while." Cami rushed her.

"I'm going, I'll call you later." Frankie walked out the front doors.

She walked out and saw the usual cars and looked for something that stood out. Moments later an all-black Ford Mustang ll roared into the parking lot. She smiled when she saw the driver.

"Hello, beautiful." Jack got out of the car and opened the door for her.

People were standing around and staring. Frankie knew there would be talk tomorrow, she was pretty used to it. She put on her seat belt and Jack did the same.

"You look cute." He took a good look at her.

"Flattery will get you nowhere." Frankie acted like his words didn't affect her. "But thank you, you look rather dapper yourself, Mr. Klemins."

"Thought I'd make myself look a little better for you." He started to leave the parking lot and they passed Steve and Nancy.

"I highly approve, where are we off to captain?" Frankie seemed relaxed in his presence.

"Let's get a milkshake? I know a great diner, best oreo cookie milkshakes, ever." He exaggerated.

"As long as you have me home by five, anything goes." Her hand tapped her thigh nervously.

"Cece, you can't say that around me. I promise you we will do a hundred things before five." Jack shook his head and came to a halt.

"Let's start with just one for now." She smiled softly.

"How was school?" He asked her politely.

"Long, the only class I can actually tolerate is psych, and my teacher wasn't here today. I'm not terrible at math but it isn't really my favorite. And I still have to come back for cheer practice." Frankie sighed. "Can't believe I let Cami trick me."

"I am always here if you need help with any of that crap, I was a valedictorian." He said proudly. "You in a tiny cheer uniform? Can't say that I'm complaining." He winked at her and she giggled.

Scary Love// Steve Harrington //Where stories live. Discover now