
'oh so right' i grinned as he shook his head and sighed

'Liam would you like a lift to school, and Harry i've brought you a change of clothes' she said as i got the picture Louis drew of me and his get well soon card from the wall,

'can't wait until people point and stare at me' i muttered as i was pushed out of the hospital in a wheelchair... apparently everyone has to, but it was fun because Liam was pushing me and he ran around corners much to the doctors annoyance.

'Liam, this is the most rule breaking you've ever done' I laughed as we almost ran a man over

'i'm embracing the crazy, screw running from it, Niall was right' Liam said 'anyway, this is fun'

'Woo' i screamed as we ran out of the door and down the ramp.

'Where is your mums car?' Liam asked as i stood out of the wheelchair

'Oh em Gee Liam, look its a cat!' i said running over the road to a cat who was sitting on a fence and stroking it.

'Oh that reminds me, Louis pretended to be a cat and asked if you'd like him more if he pretended to be one'

'that's hilaripotomus' i laughed 'and i like Louis how he is, i just wish i knew what he looks like'

'awhh harry, someones-'

'shut up Liam, mums coming now lets go to school' i said walking over to mum, i was nervous as i sat in the car, what if people stared at me, i'm sure there was many rumours going around too. What if Chris did anything else to me? 

Chris wasn't punished because no one had said they saw him do it, there is no evidence, even though Zayn and i both gave our accoun of what happened.

I have loads of stitches, all over my back and stomach, a few on my arms and one on my neck... 

there's one bad scar on my arm, it spells out fag. it's been bandaged over so no-one can see it.

'We're here honey, see you Liam' mum said as we pulled up at the school

'bye mum' i said getting out of the car and pulling Liam away from my mum before she could flirt with him too. He laughed and i glared at him not looking where i was walking which was a mistake because i hit into the low brick wall and fell over it, i groaned as Liam burst out laughing,

'Ow, that hurt' I pouted

'Hey, look Zayn's chatting with Danielle' Liam said pulling me up from the floor and walking over to them,

'Harry! you're back' Danielle said hugging me, i gritted my teeth to stop me groaning in pain and hugged back slightly

'it's good to be back, the hospital sucked' I smiled walking off to my locker to grab my English folder

 I walked over to outside the classroom where Zayn as leaning up against the wall, Liam rubbing his shoulder

'what's wrong?' i asked him

'Mary turned me down' he sighed

'awh mate, well my mum will always be there' I snickered

'Yes, But i unlike you don't like the older woman' Zayn stuck out his tongue

'you'll just have to be forever alone' Liam added

'Forever alone' Zayn sighed as a loud bang made us all jump and spin around, Rebecca had dropped her bag and the contents had flown out all over the floor 'Maybe not so alone' Zayn muttered to himself as he rushed over to help her

The Pen-Pal Project (Larry Stylinson + Niam Horayne)Where stories live. Discover now