My Different Ability

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A/N: Please note that this story is a piece of fiction, it does not represent an individual's thoughts or feelings. None of the characters in this story represent real people.

This is all made up, by me, but it does represent a lesson we could all learn a little from...I hope.


Snow is falling all around me, I'm outside and that's strange. Normally I avoid snowy days, but today I'm loving it. I practically hop down the sidewalk, each step is so light, so happy. When I stop and stare at the tracks I've left behind I smile, pulling my black wool jacket tight around my body for warmth.

There is nobody around me, I'm in the park and nobody can see me. I run and leap into the air, landing in a pile of snow and laughing to myself. I roll around and stand up, taking in huge breaths of cold air. Coffee.

I stick me nose out and sniff, spinning around, searching for the source of the smell. I want coffee so badly, I want to feel the hot liquid in my throat and embrace it. There's a cafe and I run to it, rejoicing in my own speed.

The door swings open for me and I'm enveloped in the warmth of the place, it welcomes me in a way I've never felt welcomed before, there's a girl with black hair behind the counter looking bored. She doesn't see me yet, and I take advantage of the moment, staring at her lightly freckled face. She looks how I imagine coffee feels, warm and smooth.

I step forward and she looks up, there are other people behind the counter now, busily making drinks and plating huge pastries for nobody. She glances in my direction and pauses, the corner of her lips curling up as she brushes the hair from her face.

There's a familiar pounding in my chest, it feels good and frightening at the same time. I take another step forward and there are people having their order taken, another step and I'm standing in a long line of smiling costumers. The smell of brewing coffee fills my nostrils, I'm surrounded by the sounds of people chatting and the whistling of steam powered espresso machines. The woman behind the counter makes eye contact with me and blushes.

My chest puffs out and I smile, eagerly waiting for my turn to order so I can have a chance to speak with her. As the line grows shorter and I draw closer to the coffee scented siren, a feeling of dread begins to swell in my stomach. The woman looks at me again and I recognize her, but not from this setting. Something's not right.

I begin to notice that the angle is wrong, I stare at the people in the cafe and their eyes meet mine. I spin around and the man behind me smiles and nods. I try to smile back, I turn again and bump into another man who just grins in return.

Suddenly people are pressing in from all sides, they all wear the same vacant smiles, emotionless expressions that are impossible to read. They restrict my arms from moving, preventing me from pushing free. I feel pain in my legs and scream to be let go, but nobody listens. They all just smile and look into my eyes.

I become aware of a sound. Beeeep beeeep beeeep. What is that? That drawn out beeping. It sounds familiar; I latch onto it. I tear my focus from the smiling people around me and I only hear the beeping. I know it'll take me away from this place.

With a gasp for breath I wake up. The dream fades as I feel the damp pillow under my face. I still feel constricted, I still can't move. I take in a few small breaths through my pillow and swallow with effort. The last of the smiling faces drift in my vision as I slowly open my eyes.

With a bit of a struggle I turn my head to the side and take in a gulp of fresh air. I slowly let it back out, feeling my lungs resisting. I breathe again, slow and controlled I tell myself, trying to push back the lingering panic of my nightmare.

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