🖤 Arturo Theo Carlos 🚒

Start from the beginning

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012. description - Arturo is what you would consider a lone wolf. He keeps to himself most of the time and always has a serious look to his face. He's charming, smart, and sometimes kind. He hates overly cheerful people and thus hates being around his twin sister. He always pushes her away and is never home just so he wouldn't have to interact with her. He loves to tease others for his own enjoyment and rarely has anyone ever stood up to him. Though he mainly does it to those he cares about. He's short tempered and punches anything in his way. He's skeptical of just about anybody and it takes a lot to earn his trust. Even though he seems like the bad guy, he has a really soft spot for his sister and can be overprotective of her, but there's no way he would ever act on it. Someone has to be the black sheep in the family. He scares of just about any guy that shows interest in her, resulting in his sister's dateless years.
013. flaws - His anger and trust issues. Even though being protective can be good, it can also be bad. Which is something he can go over board with. Quite stubborn, and Blunt.
014. habits - Glares a little too much. Also rolls his eyes when his sister acts like a fool.
015. fears - Mainly his sisters being hurt in anyway possible. He's deathly afraid of snakes, since he got bit by one when he was a kid. Falling in love and getting hurt in the end.

 Falling in love and getting hurt in the end

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016. backstory - Just like his sister, Arturo grew up in a loving home. He was the first to be born between him and his twin sister. Growing up he has always been the quiet twin. Though, he believed his sister did enough talking for the both of them. The two have been inseparable, even though he does tend to act like she's a pest. But secretly he cares about his sister. She got teased a lot, and so whenever it happened, he would always get in a fight. He got suspended a lot from school for his sister's sake.

When he was six, his parents divorced. It wasn't for any negative reasoning, just that they didn't love each other like that anymore. And it wasn't long before their father dated and married someone else. Araceli was ecstatic while he was skeptical about their new stepmother. He would always give her the cold shoulder, even though he knew it wasn't her fault his parents spilt. It wasn't long before, they received a baby sister thus completing their family, and reeling Arturo in. He learned to trust their new stepmother and finally started showing his soft spot.

Now after spending most of his time protecting his sisters, more so Araceli than Victoria, he decided it was time to be on his own. As soon as he graduated from High School, he moved out. Every now and then he'll check up on his family, but mainly just keeps to himself and helps others when in need.
017. year - Sophomore
018. occupation - Firefighter
019. other - Allergic to cats and tomatoes, Has a husky named Jay, still treats his twin like she's fragile, scaring off any guy that goes near her. Cuts his own hair to save money. Is fluent in Spanish.

 Is fluent in Spanish

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" I am a Warrior not

Because I always Win but

Because I will always Fight. "


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