What I Really Look Like (3/3)

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You stared in awe as Envy changed his appearance. Turning into a tall young man with long blonde hair. Envy never told you he could do that.

You watched as Dante become furious and started screaming at him. You felt like you were intruding on something personal and quickly walked away. You knew Envy would come find you and you would talk about what just happened.


You lied on your bed, reading a book that Dante had given you when you heard a faint knock at your door.

You quickly got up, having a feeling who it was. You opened the door slightly and peeked through. There was Envy.

He was back in the form you were more familiar with, but he looked sick and weak.

You gasped at his horrible state and let him stumble inside. You helped him to your bed where he lied down.

"I think I'm gonna be sick!" He cried out, holding his stomach in pain.

You took a seat next to him and gently hushed him as you moved his long dark hair out of his sweaty face.

"Envy..." you quietly began. "What happened?"

(Flash Back: Envy's POV)

Envy cried as he puked up red stone. His power source.

He was still in his human form as Dante screamed "CHANGE BACK" over and over again. But Envy didn't listen. So she kept going with the alchemy.

Envy tried so hard to keep form, but he could feel his body failing.

With the last bit of his power, he changed back to his lean, dark haired form.

Dante stopped shortly after, and Envy went limp to the floor. He reached for her with much struggle, but she looked away and ran out of the room.

Envy silently cried as he tried to get to his feet, but failed. He began to crawl to your room.

(End of flash back)

"Dante. She knows about us. I was punished."

Your face dropped. You weren't there to stop it.

"What did she do to you?" You asked. Anger laced your voice.

Envy chuckled and twirled your hair in his fingers. "Anger doesn't suit you, love."

You sighed and took his hand in yours. "Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?"

"Red stone. I need red stone." Envy told you.

"I have some."

You opened your bed side drawer and pulled out a small bag. You helped Envy sit up and handed him the bag.

Envy's shakey hand opened to bag, revealing just enough stones to help him get by.

"Where did you get these?"

"Wrath gives them to me." You answers. "I think he forgets I'm human sometimes."

Envy laughed. "That brat is finally good for something."

Envy scarfed down the whole bag, getting little particles of rock everywhere.

As you watched him monstrously eat the stones, you thought about that fight. So Envy was human once, and that form he took was what he used to look like. You wanted to see it again.

As Envy ate the last of the stone, looking so much healthier, you took his hand in yours, earning a confused look to appear on his face.

"Envy..." you began, your voice meek. "I have something to confess."

He turned his attention to you, still confused.

You took a deep breath and let out your thoughts. "I saw you and Dante's fight! I know everything!"

Envy's eyes widened with shock, but he didn't say anything as you continued.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to eavesdrop! I just heard you yelling on my way to my room and got worried, I couldn't help myself!"

Envy was quiet and said slowly. "Did you see her hurt me?"

"No. I left before that." You explained. "But the thing is, I saw it. You were Dante's son and that was what you really look like."

Envy didn't say anything. He kept his head down in silence.

Trying to choke back tears, you said "you probably hate me."

Envy shook his head. "I don't hate you, I could never. I... I just wasn't ready for you to know so soon."

You apologized. He forgave.

You sat in silence, still holding hands.

"So..." you started. "I didn't know you could change the way you look."

Envy laughed under his breath and nodded.

"Envy..." He gave you his attention. "Can you show me what you really look like?"

He squeezed your hand nervously, you took immediate notice.

"I don't want to force you!" You reassured.

"No! It's okay."

In that moment, sparks flew around Envy and soon after, he was a complete different person.

You took immediate notice to how much bigger his hands were in yours. You squeezed his hand reassuringly as you got closer to him.

He stared at you in awe has you studied his face. His skin was more tan than his normal form, his nose was bigger, and he had a much stronger jaw line.

You reached up with your free hand to brush some his long, blonde locks from his face and behind his ear. As you did so, you took notice that his eyes were smaller and brown.

"You're really handsome." You said under your breath.

Envy laughed at the comment. His voice was no longer high and raspy, but deep.

"Envy, how did you die?" It was a bold thing to ask, but you couldn't help it.

Envy went sad. "From what I can remember, mercury poisoning. I breathed too much in when I was testing it with my father."

"Your father?" You questioned. "What happened to him?"

Envy's breath hitched. "I'd rather not talk about it..."

"Oh. That's okay."

As you continued to talk, you almost didn't notice how close you and Envy were getting. Your faces were getting closer and closer until your noses were almost touching.

Envy smirked. "Don't think I don't know what you're doing. I see you."

You got embarrassed and blushed deeply. You tried to lean away, but Envy wouldn't let you. He snacked his free hand behind your head, tangling his fingers in your hair.

Bringing you even closer, Envy kissed you with his now much fuller lips.

You immediately kissed him back. You let go of his hand and brought both of your hands up to cup his cheeks. You deepened the kiss as you stroked his cheeks with your thumbs. With his now free hand, Envy wrapped it around your waist and brought you even closer.

This was one of your more passionate kisses that you had shared with Envy, and it saddened you when it ended. Envy pulled away, but almost immediately pulled you into a tight hug, catching you off guard.

"Thank you..." Envy whispered into your ear as he changed back into his normal self.

"For what?" You asked, wrapping your arms around his back and nuzzling into his shoulder.

"For letting me show you that side of me. I haven't let anyone see it in a long time."

"I noticed Dante didn't seem to like it." You brought up curiously.

Envy sighed in disappointment. "No she doesn't, but that's okay. I don't need her approval when I have yours."

You left Dante's mansion that night. Realizing it wasn't safe for either of you anymore, you left. You left to find a better life for just the two of you.

What I Really Look Like (Envy X Reader One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now