2 || Escape

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My eyes slowly blink open. My head throbs. My body aches with the slightest movement. Sleep calls for me to join it once again. What even happened?

As soon as I remember, I bolt up in the bed. I was in the woods, running. I almost killed Christine so I ran. And a blizzard came. It got to a point where I was feeling so paranoid and scared, but most of all cold, so I collapsed. Two figures were walking towards me. And then, I guess I passed out.

But where am I now? I can feel my heartbeat grow faster in my confusion. And something seems incredibly off. It's almost as if I am not being watched anymore. I haven't felt such a sensation in a while. The absence is unsettling.

Did whoever see me take me here? What happened after I passed out? I have so many questions that I need answers to.

As I look down over myself, I see I am still fully clothed in what I went outside in. No rips, tears, or a layer missing. At least whoever brought me here is somewhat courteous.

I take my jacket, boots, gloves and scarf off and check for any injuries. Nothing. I only feel small aches and pains. Most likely from all the running and minor hypothermia.

Nothing bad happened to me. But I should probably try to figure out what happened.

Looking around, I notice this room I am in looks quite bare. It's not a hotel room. More of a bedroom in a normal house. The walls are half wood panelling and half a boring cream paint. There is the bed, a dresser at the foot of the bed, and a table in the corner. An empty closet is beside the small table. Two doors are in this room. One in the corner, the other closer in the middle of the adjacent wall.

Does this mean whoever was stalking me decided to take me to their house? No, I have to stay calm. Best case scenario, some kind samaritan doing late-night hiking saw me and decided to take me to their house. I just have to ignore everything that happened leading to the worst-case scenario.

A knock stops my thoughts suddenly, from the door in the corner. I stop breathing for a second, terrified they could hear me breathe. After a few seconds, a piece of paper is slipped under the door. As I hear someone walk away I release my held breath.

I wait for a minute before I get off of the bed, then grab the note.

It reads, in messy writing:

There is a bathroom connecting to your room. Make sure to lock the other door. Food will be brought to you if you decide to stay in there longer.

I don't know how or what to think. Everything seems so odd. But a hot bath does sound nice.

I look to the other door in the room, questioning whether it is a good idea or not. So far nothing bad has happened to me. I don't even feel paranoid. I might as well, it's quite cold here.

The bathroom looks normal. There's a cup with a toothbrush and toothpaste in it and a pink fluffy hand towel. I quickly lock the door on the opposite side of the room, then lock the one from the room I was just in as well. I turn on the hot water and let the bath fill as I undress.

The hot water burns my skin as I immerse myself in the bath. I try to relax, the hot water warming my body up quickly. My tense muscles have a chance to relax for a moment. I lean my head back and try to push past all the thoughts jumbling in my head, but it is no use.

I look around at everything in this small room. There is no spot for a hidden camera. Nothing looks strange. I felt like there was something watching me for a second. But it seems like there is no surveillance system or hidden camera setup.

Still, the unnerving feeling tugs at me. I rush out of the bath and hurry to get dressed. There is only the hand towel and face cloths, so I have to make do with that to dry myself. I leave the other door locked and get into my room, closing the door firmly behind me.

I grab the small table in my room and put it in front of the door into my room. The bathroom locks. This one has no lock. I take the drawer out to place underneath the handle.

As soon as I finish someone knocks on the door. I jump back, terrified of who is on the other side.

"We heard movement and decided to bring you some food. Figured you would be a bit hungry," someone says. It sounds like a girl. I have never heard their voice before. What reason could they possibly have for wanting to kidnap me?

"I'll just leave it for you to take on your own time, then, I guess."

I stand in complete silence, trying to gather my thoughts. They brought me food, let me bathe, and did nothing to me while I was asleep. What is the motive behind all of this? This is my stalker. It sounds like a girl. But who on earth could it possibly be?

As much as I want answers, I do not want to find them out for myself. The police can do an investigation much better than I can. And I do not want to get hurt by this lady.

I start to strip the bed of its bedding and grab a blanket scarf that was folded on the top shelf in the closet. All I have to do is tie it all together, then I should be good to go. The window in this room is large enough to get out of easily. It's daylight too, so I can see clearly.

I tie the end of my makeshift rope to the leg of the bed and toss the other end out of the window. Short by a meter or so, but I will probably be fine. The snow from last night's storm will break my fall.

It is hard to hold onto bedsheets with gloves that have no grip. It looks like I am on a second story, so it is not too far down. But it still seems rather risky. About halfway down a knot loosens, dropping me and the last sheet to fall into the plush snow.

I'm out. But it looks like I am surrounded by a vast forest. How big can it really be? It should take a while for them to figure out I am gone. Then they just have to chase after me. I should be able to make it to the city. As long as I can find civilization, I can be free of all this. Finally.

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