Part 1

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Sylvanna's P.O.V

They caught him. They caught Aaron. I am confused, relieved, and angered all at once. He was supposed to get himself and Aphmau out of this mess, I'm not sure if what that agent said about the ultima is true but I know Aaron. That's never something Aaron would do without extreme reason. He walks by me, tears streaming down his face. Led by Katelyn and Garroth. Wait their eyes, their eyes!? That's strange, what's going on?  Aaron seems to have given up on everything. I have a terrible mess of feelings forming in my gut. Then he looks at me, guilt in his eyes and shoves something into my hand, before turning await grief laced sobs racking his body. As they lead him away I look at what he pressed into my palm. I slide down the wall I was leaning on, silent tears streaming down my face. I try to stop them, but they show no signs of doing so. In my hand is aphmau's engagement ring, covered in blood. Now it's all clear, Aaron's attitude and the guilt in his eyes. mija is...she's...dead. Just as the realization sets in, an all too familiar face rounds the corner. I don't have the will to knock his teeth out at the moment but, Irene help me if he works here, I'm gonna make him hella aware he killed his daughter. How am I so sure it wasn't Aaron, you ask? Aphmau, she had this way of, calming him. If that's not true love I don't know what is, but even if he was provoked he would, never, ever lay a finger on her, he would never do her harm, without realizing, and killing himself soon after. Is stand up, shaking with rage. Nearby agents back up, clearly unaware of the source of my anger. I walk up to Zack, punch him so hard in the jaw that it leaves him spitting blood, and march off to find whoever did this and give them a similar treatment, crying a river all the while. Zack follows me, also unaware of why I am crying, when if he knows anything about me, he knows I should be dedicating all my attention to spitting various Spanish profanities into his face right now. When he catches up to me he has the audacity to ask me what's wrong in response I choke out " baby, he killed my Aphmau, I'll bet you a million dollars it was ein he did this to them once before, and he's done it again! He's hurt my baby, my mija, my Aphmau!" I continue to storm off in a random direction, he clearly understood enough of the gibberish I choked out to know somethings happened to Aphmau, and that seems to affect him. I decide to go to Aaron's cell, where I find him sitting on his cot sobbing in a similar fashion. I compose myself enough to say to him "who..what, who did this?" he mumbles something, but I can't hear him. I scream at him causing a few soldiers to give me concerned looks. "WHO DID THIS AARON LYCAN, ANSWER ME RIGHT THIS INSTANT!" He merely, through tears says "it doesn't take a genius to know it was Ein." Zack is starting to catch on, but still appears to be confused. He says "might I ask, what happened to Aphmau?" Aaron growls "your little werewolf friend, Ein k- he..he, he killed her." That sentence hits me like a punch in the gut, Zack walks off, and Aaron remains still. Time seems to have stopped everything is in slow motion. Then, I pass out.

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