Encounter With Two Veela and Harry Starts Being Rude

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My older brother started talking to Ron while I missed Hermione Zabini,my best friend,that transferred to Beauxations Academy of Magic in second year."Hey,Renèe?"Ron asks,"What do you want?"I ask,"The Tri-Wizard tournament is coming to Hogwarts!"Ron says excitedly and I smile brightly before I go sit next to Nev(Neville) and Ginny."My best friend from first year is coming,hopefully she remembers me!"I say happily,"Who couldn't remember you,Ren?You're the prettiest girl in Hogwarts,not to mention that you have a Veela best friend!"Nev says and I nod and smile at him."Now introducing the lovely ladies of Beauxations Academy of Magic and their headmistress Madame Maxime!"Dumbledore says excitedly as I watch Hermione walk in with Fleur Delacour,her actual Veela mate and they still need a human mate,a blonde girl with blue eyes that Hermione's wrote about and she smiles at me and I smile back at her."Fleur,come on!"I hear Hermione say as she and Fleur walk over,"Fleur,this is Renèe Lily Potter!My best friend from Hogwarts,Renèe this is my mate Fleur Delacour!"Hermione introduces us and I smile and hug both of them.
Renèe did not know what she did to me and Mione,she's our human mate,and me and Mione mutter mine to her,"What are you doing with that snake and her girlfriend,Renèe?Are you trying to get killed?"A boy with jet black hair and green eyes asks Renny as he grabs her wrist tightly,"Go away,Harry!I'm not a little girl anymore,go back to Ron!"Renny says,"If I do your coming with me!"he tells her,"Let her go,Harry James Potter!Do you realize that your hurting your younger sister and making two Veela angry?"Hermione growls out,"She's been through much worse,she is dating Ron!"Harry lies,"I wouldn't date him if he was the last person on earth!"Renny hisses.I take her other hand and take her into my arms as Harry leaves.

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