Chapter Fourteen: Thorns

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It's been Weeks No actually Months since Sehun passed out, yet he hasn't woken up the doctors sayd that he needed time, but he could possibly just be dying...But He wasn't! He wasn't!!

Every night he was sleeping at my side...every night I touched his face, it was cold but it was there, I knew Sehun wasn't dead I could feel it, I felt him...

Sehun was fighting trying to get back to me & he will, I will soon see him as he once told me...Sehun wouldn't give up on me! He loved me too much to leave me...he wouldn't, I just knew it...I would soon marry Him & live happy forever

This was the 188th day that Sehun had been sleeping, yhea Sehun was sleeping simply sleeping...not dead but sleeping, He couldn't find his way back, eather that or he just didn't want to come back so soon..

I smiled as I held his hand "..Take your time, don't worry...I'm still here Hyung...I'll always be here..I love you" I left his one white rose there like always.

I brought him a white rose ever since, cus like that white rose Sehun was Unique & special but delicate, Sehun was my rose...he was delicate with me...but even the most delicate things can hurt you..Sehun had his thorns & they had hurt me once or twice, they we're bound to hurt me in the future I knew that but that rose could heal anything like it could hurt anything...That rose was A beautiful special rose....Sehun had love that healed anything I mean me..if he ever hurt me...Sehun would find a way of making me smile, he never failed...

As I placed the rose in the counter with some water I felt Sehun call my name.."Lu Han...Lu..Lu Han" I turned around & saw the window open wide the sunset light coming in through the window aluminateing the room it was beautiful I smiled & walked over to Sehun's hospital bed I held his hand "Sehun...Isn't it's like it's ment just for's a sign Sehun you have to come back soon Okay? No more waiting please.." I kissed his forehead & walked out

Those thorns hurt...but he was capable of healing it...he always was that one special very delicate but so very was one word to describe Sehun beauty & deadly...

Deadly because Sehun was capable of breaking me down, just like he was capable of putting me back together...

Only him

His rose pedals & His thorns

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