"Joanna bought it for us to start with and with Ross' and my paychecks coming in, we can afford it."

Rydel looked at me confused, "I didn't know you had a job. Well besides 'Get Shaved' for when you were gone."

"Oh, well Joanna had me join the agency she's in and you get paid a lot. She said because of my training as a child I could be one of the best spies on the team. What Derek and Steve didn't know was that Steve wasn't the only one training me. Behind his back Joanna trained me everything she knew and she told me the other day that it was because she knew eventually I would want my life to be different and actually be the good guy in all of this."

After talking, Riker comes up the stairs and when he reaches the couch, he sits on the ground next to Angel and Raven. Raven immediately gets off of Angel's lap and goes to her dad, giving him a big hug.

"Aw hi baby girl." Riker said smiling and Angel looks at them and smiles too.

"What made you finally come up here? I was pretty sure you would be distracted by Ross' new man cave." Angel said laughing.

"Oh nothing could distract me away from my favorite girls." He reached up a bit and kissed Angel.

It lasted longer than expected and out of nowhere Bri cleared her throat, making them realize that they weren't alone. "You wanting to get a room? Cause Ang has like 3 or 4 of them" She said making us laugh.

"Hey I just got those rooms, I don't want you doing anything in any of them!"

"Don't worry we won't do anything. Not yet anyways." Riker said mumbling the last part.

I playfully glared, "What?"

"Hmm?" Riker said giving me an innocent look.

I rolled my eyes and acted like I didn't hear him. Just then Ross came in the room.

"Ang, Rocky took my massage chair." Ross whined sitting next to me on floor, putting his head on my lap.

"Ross, there is three massage chairs in there."

"Yea and the one in the center is mine. It puts me right in front of the TV."

"And what exactly do you want me to do about that?" I asked smirking at him.

"Make him stop, it's your house."

"Well it's your house too Ross. In case you didn't know that."

He starts squirming on my lap like a kid and whines more. "But he won't listen to me. He will only listen to you. I don't know why though."

Riker sits up with Raven still on his lap. "Oh I definitely know why, same reason why everyone goes by Ang's rules over yours. It's because she is obviously the man of the relationship."

Ross dropped his jaw and gasped dramatically. "Excuse me, but I am the man of this relationship." Just then everyone else laughed including me.

"I'm sorry honey, but I'm definitely the man of this relationship because whenever your siblings want something done for us or even listening in general, I always make that happen. Plus your scared to get on my bad side."

Ross stood up, "Fine then, I'm no longer listening to your commands." He then headed back downstairs.

I turned to Riker, "You better go get your little brother back on track. Because if he thinks he can just become in charge around here, he's got another thing coming. I may be pregnant, but I can still use my ninja skills on him."

"Psh, he won't even last that long." Riker said getting up.

I went to get up, but kind of struggled. Riker walked over to where I was and grabbed my hand to help me up. Once I stood up, I felt a pain in my side. I fell into Riker and he tightened his grip around me to keep me from falling. I started breathing deeply.

"Ang, are you okay?" Riker asked worriedly.

"Oh, I know whats happening just by the way she's acting. The baby is coming." Angel said making me widen my eyes.

"The baby is coming?! How is that possible, that makes me a whole month early!" I screamed loudly feeling another pain.

I grip onto the only thing I could to help me bare through a little bit of the pain which happens to be Riker's wrist. Him and I wince in pain at the same time. Poor Riker.

"Yep, the baby is coming." Riker said looking at Angel.

Oh boy!


Ooh the baby is coming, a little early don't you think? 2 chapters before this book ends. Vote and comment:)

                                                                                       -Elisa <3

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