2.) First Day

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You start to head to your first class. Math. You wander around aimlessly trying to find it but end up alone in the hallway.
"Great late for my first class!" y/n says.
"Hey do you need help?" a boy behind you says.
You jump startled by the person and end up dropping all your books.
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to scare you." the boy says while laughing.
The boy helps pick up your books and hands them to you.
"Tim Sharp." the boy says reaching his hand out.
"Y/n." You say.
"You look lost, what class are our headed to?" Tim says.
"Math." You say.
"Oh, same! I can walk you if you'd like." Tim says.
"Please I have no idea where I'm going." You say.
"Let me see your schedule maybe we have more classes together."Tim says.
You hand him your schedule.
"Wow, we have all the same classes except for Literature. Spectacular."Tim says.
"That's cool." You say.
"Must be fate." Tim says with a wink.
You walk into the math class together and find two empty seats next to each other.
I don't want to admit it but, this Tim boy is pretty cute. He is very nice too. What if he has a crush on me? I mean he did wink at me. SNAP OUT OF IT Y/N! You're overthinking!
I'll just drop it for now.

(Time skip after all 4 morning classes because I'm lazy~)

You and Tim arrive at the lunchroom and depart your different ways. You head over to Rhyme and her friends while Tim goes to hangout with TK.
"Hey guys this is my cousin y/n. Y/n this is Ellie, Quinn, Birdie, and Kayla." Rhyme says.
"Nice to meet you all." You say.
"How's it going on your first day?" Ellie asks.
"Well I was lost for a while but this boy named Tim has been helping me along the way. We share all classes except for one I think." You say.
"That's nice. Maybe we should show you who other people are too." Rhyme said.
She points out who everyone is and stuff about them. Who to avoid, who is nice, who is in a relationship. Ya know stuff to be weary of.
Tim and who Rhyme told you was named Ace come over to all the girls.
"Hey y/n, want to walk to English together." Tim says.
"Your really cute."Ace says very loud.
Tim looks at him strangely mixed with anger and embarrassment.
Nobody makes a sound. Your all left in awkward silence until you break it.
"Oh, um thanks I guess, and sure let's go." you say.
While you, Tim, and Ace are walking to English, Tim whispers in your ear,"Sorry about Ace he's very "honest" to girls. He's in our English class too."
"It's fine. I can handle him." You say.
Tim stares at you proudly for some reason.
You walk into English class and you end up sitting next to Ace. Tim sits on the other side of the room.
"Hey, sorry if that seemed rude or wierd what I said a bit ago. I guess I'm just very honest. That's not what I'm actually like." Ace says.
"No it's fine if was just a bit awkward. Thanks for the compliment though." You say.
After English was done you and Tim head onto Cooking.
"Alright kids, I'm gonna need you to partner up . Today we are just making basic cookies."
You and Tim decide to partner up. What a bad choice. You and Tim make a huge mess and play around the whole time. Your cookies come out looking like mutant monsters.
"Well at least that was fun." Tim says.
"Yeah, well I'll see you tommorow." You say.
"Have a good day y/n." Tim says smiling at you.

Okay I definitely have a crush on this kid.

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