You cant escape your past. Now can you?

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//After explaining everything to everyone, they introduce there self!// "So let me get this straight, Blue is Tributon, Red is Bravenwolf, Green is Valom and Last is Yellow which is Lydendor. Did I get it right?"
"Yep! Perfect!" Valom said
"Well.Well... a new loser to the party! I wonder if I can add you to my list I need to destroy" you froze. That voice. It can't be you thought. You turn and saw a pink-armor warrior

"Any last words!?" The pink-armor warrior said "Yea! Take this!" /all of the sudden the ground started shaking/ "What the?!" The pink-armored warrior and Valom said-You started charging STRAIGHT for warrior- -You started swinging your Scythe

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"Any last words!?" The pink-armor warrior said
"Yea! Take this!" /all of the sudden the ground started shaking/
"What the?!" The pink-armored warrior and Valom said
-You started charging STRAIGHT for warrior- -You started swinging your Scythe. But they guys notice something you both are PERFECTLY even-  /The battle went on for about 10-15 minutes/ "this isn't over!" with that she disappeared.
"Good riddance!" You yell back "Ugh. I'm heading back, See ya guys later." //You Teleport back to Earth// -You walk out of the teleporter- "Man. That was tiring!"

((That's what you look like! :) You can change anything you want! :P)

((That's what you look like! :) You can change anything you want! :P)

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/As you were walking out, you heard the Teleports make a sound/ Huh. who else is back from Quarton? You thought. /You look around the corner and saw 4 boys around your age/

((Ignore the background and Toxsa sister!))"Man! I'm beat!" The green-haired one said"You said it! I'm so tired I don't think I'm moving for a month!" The blue-haired one said"You guys are just wimps

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((Ignore the background and Toxsa sister!))
"Man! I'm beat!" The green-haired one said
"You said it! I'm so tired I don't think I'm moving for a month!" The blue-haired one said
"You guys are just wimps. You'll live" The yellow-haired one said
"What did you say?!" The green/blue haired boys said
"Um. Guys... Who that?" The red hair boy said... POINTING RIGHT AT YOU!
You thought of one thing.... Run... /You booked it for the door/ "After her!" You heard one of them yell. Are you kidding me?! Great! This is bloody amazing!!!  /you look behind you and saw all of them/ Ugh! I can't get this guys off my tail! You thought. There! /You saw a dark alley way, and you did the next best thing. You jump on the trash bin behind the building, and with that your on the roof of the mall/ :You jump down and land in the front of the mall: Thank gods! I thought I would never lose those guys. |While running you accidentally bumped Into someone...|
"Oh I'm sorry!" The person said "it's fine! It was my fault! -You look and see its... Beni- "Be-Beni?!" "Ari..? This is a surprise" No... Not her!

//You sprint back to Mr.White shop, and found another door. To what looks like a living room// ::You were shaking in fear:: Calm down! She can't hurt you anymore! But when.. WHY IS SHE HERE?! You thought. /You heard the door open, and say Mr.White/ "Oh my! What happened? Mr.White asked "M-My P-past... It's coming back to haunt me..."

"I don't follow" He said in a confused tone "B-Beni. S-she h-here." /Mr.White got the message and just gave you a hug, at first you tensed up but after a couple of seconds you accept it/ :You heard the door open again and say the 4 boys standing there:

"Uhhhh. Mr.White? Who is that and why is she crying?" The green-haired one said
"Yea- wait! She the girl that was spying on us!" The blue-haired one said
"Are you working with Vilius?!" The yellow-haired one said
•You shake your head no•
"Okay.. Now that out of the wa- wait! How do we know your not Lying?" The green-haired one said again
•You pull out your Crimson-red/white core-brick•
"Looks like she isn't lying" the red hair one said
"Anyways, Mr.White who is she?" The red-hair asked again.
"Ah! This is Arianna! Also know also Viper on Quarton. Please be good to her!"
All the guys blinked before processing the new information. "WHAT?!!!!!!"

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⏰ Недавно обновлено: Dec 20, 2018 ⏰

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