An Epic Safari

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Tulsi, Rose and Tori have won a safari around Africa! But Tori is unable to go so William takes her place. To top it off, When they get there they find a injured baby tiger. Whose parents left it behind, or so it says... What are they going to do?

Chapter 1- A Safari?

Rose looked at the letter in shock. She, Tulsi and Tori had won a safari around Africa. Tulsi couldn't wait. Rose had already called her. She hadn't been able to call Tori. Which doesn't happen ever. Tori is always on her phone. Or writing in her diary. So when she finally got to talk to Tori...

"Hey Tori. Would you care to explain why you haven't answered my calls all-day?" She asked.
"My cousins are here. And my phone was flat. Anyway, What's up?"
"We won!"
"The trip to Africa? I really don't think I'll be able to go Rose." She said.
"And why would that be?"
"My cousins are here. And I would miss something overly important. Oh, did I mention that I'm scared of lions?"
"I thought you weren't scared of anything?"
"Spiders, lions and heights."
"Spiders, Lions and Heights. They're the only things I'm afraid of."
"Oh, right."
"Why don't you get William to take my place?"
"Okay. I'll do that."

" Because you would totally pass on going on a Safari trip with your boyfriend."

"Oh Shut up Tori. besides, if Thomas was going then you probably would be."

"I can hear your Blushing from the other side of town."

"And I can hear you smirking from here."

"As interesting as this banter is, I gotta go before my cousin destroys the cookies we're making. Adios Rose."

"Bye Tori."

Chapter 2 (Title is Loading)

The gang where hanging out at a park. Like usual, Tori was on the swings, Rose was sketching everything in sight, Jade was marvelling at a duck in a tree, which Rose was sketching, Morgan was giraffe dancing down the slide, Tulsi was on the monkey bars, Kerryn wasn't there, William had just arrived and Thomas was late. Speaking of, he had just arrived.

"Thomas! It's about Damn time!" Tulsi called out. "I mean, even Tori's here before you."

"Oh shut up Tulsi."

"Care to explain why you are late?" Tori called from the swings.
"Sorry I was on a mission. Not my idea." He said, joining her on the swings after giving her a kiss on the cheek.
"Right. Did you miss the bus as well?" Tori teased.
"How did you know?"
"You texted me once you got back. And I thought I had a bad memory."
"Oi. So why do we have to be here?"
"Because we," Rose said finally after putting her sketch book down and pointing at her self, William and Tulsi,
"Are going to Africa for a safari!"

Chapter 3-Plane!

  William, Rose and Tulsi were at the airport, about to board the plane to Africa. Rose was excited. She had never been to Africa before, and couldn't wait to maybe see a cheetah. Tulsi was looking forward to seeing the Giraffes, and kinda hoping that they would get a mission that involves being Giraffes. I'm pretty sure that Tulsi jinxed it. William was hoping to get to see some Lions, he thought that they where cool, unlike Tori who was petrified of them. Weird as Tori is usually not afraid of anything.
"Would all passengers on Flight 916 to Africa please board."
Then the group quickly got on the plane and in there seats as the air safety stuff started. Soon after Rose drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 4-First day of the Safari

  They where picked up from the airport by the person who runs the safaris, Joe. Joe is or rather was a secret agent. Apparently she used to be part of S.H.I.N.E. Joe took them on a scenic route and rose had her camera out, constantly taking pictures so she would be able to draw them. 

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