Part 1

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"Y-You're WHAT?!" Toshinori screeched in his raspy voice, Y/N flinched slightly, "Jesus Christ Toshinori! Calm your tits, I just said I'm going to apply to be a teacher here." His mouth was ajar and she sighed, planting her hands firmly on her hips. "I didn't say I was giving someone a blowjob, you can calm down."

He sighed, "I wasn't freaking out or anything, I was just surprised that you decided to become a teacher here... I mean- don't you have plenty to do in the line of work?" Y/N looked at him, "well... no. I have way too much spare time on my hands and the proactivity of villains has been... well, slight." She said, pinching her fingers three inches apart.

Toshinori only looked back at her, "If you want to become a teacher, then I suppose you can help me with combat training this afternoon, the students I have are eager for a fight. What do you say H/N?" (Hero Name). Y/N nodded eagerly, "heck yes! Let's get this shit on the runway!" Toshinori chuckled. 


"Alright class, today we have a special guest joining us for combat training." Y/N smirked and formed her eight legs from in between her shoulder blades and jumped down from her position from a building. "Hey guys." She landed, her normal legs being used at the spider's ones lifted and stuck out like arrows.

"You will be training with both of us, and the way you will do this is by pretending that we're the villains. We'll each be destroying the buildings in the arena and you must capture us before the timer runs out or we destroy the entire city. You can use as much as your quirk as you wish, just don't push yourself past your limit." 

Y/N chuckled lightly to herself 'This is the exact training our teachers gave us... he's really giving this class sugar isn't he?' Y/N looked at each and every individual student as Toshinori spoke and one stood out, one with messy green hair and freckles on his face. He looked someone who'd inherit One For All...

"H/N, we'll go start now. Start searching for us when I yell plus ultra." Toshinori said, starting to run with Y/N following after. "Where are we gonna start? I did a scope of this place and it's like a labyrinth..." Toshinori looked back slightly, "it gives the advantage to us, they'll be looking everywhere."

Y/N nodded then went off, breaking away from All Might. The tips of her spider's legs stuck into the building as she climbed with them as if they were grips that were just holding her up. "PLUS ULTRA!" All Might yelled right after an explosion sounded from the distance. "How the hell did he get all the way over there so quickly?!" Y/N muttered.

Then she used glitch to make a portion of some building crash on top of others making those ones with chunks torn out of them collapse then the ones that have bricks and other materials falling onto them fall in on themselves and wreck. "I knew I'd find you up here." A boy said, he sounded like he had some serious temper issues. 

Y/N turned around to see a boy with spiky blonde hair, red eyes and his hero outfit was impressive. She'd admit. "I can't wait to put you in a body bag." He smirked and made explosions crackle in his hand and she chuckled, "come at me hero! Show me what you've got!" His smirk widened as he came flying at her. "The name's Bakugou! Don't you forget that!"

She quickly turned but he got a grip on one of her legs and made explosions on that limb. It stung and she winced quickly pulling her leg back, using her webs to stick his wrists together. Bakugou was able to break them and pull himself free, he was starting to look more pissed by the second. "I'll kick your ass!" He yelled.

Y/N raced at him with her seven good legs and Bakugou got a grip on the frills of her costume, pulling her down to the ground and raising his hand, causing more explosions to crackle in the palm of his hand, looking like he was about to tear her heart out or something, "Oh you're so dead, villain!"

Word count: 713

All Might x Reader (Eventual Smut/Lemon) BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now