Chapter 15 A Dark Promise

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Jim's POV:
(Written by @Kodbro)

The plan was set. I had to let James know that I had decided to listen to give him the amulet in order for him to let me back in to rescue Blinky.

And by doing this, there was only one person I knew who would know what happened to the Daylight amulet. "Aah Jim. I was just going to find you," Merlin said as I walked into Blinky's library.

"Is anything wrong?" I asked.

"Only that I know what you're planning to do. Find the Daylight amulet and give it to James in exchange for Blinky. I'm here to tell you that you can't do that, Jim. I won't let you," Merlin explained.

His words made me angry. "Just like you wouldn't let me save my own mother?" I asked.

"That was circumstantial," was all Merlin said. If there was anything he could do right, this wizard really knew how to irritate me.

"And now? If you know where the Daylight amulet is then you have to tell me, Merlin. I need collateral for James. I can't let him win-"

"Which you already are," Merlin said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

Merlin sighed as I waited for him to resume. "By giving him the amulet, you are feeding the Darkness within you, Jim. The Darkness that the Changeling tried to teach you to embrace. It's still there, like it or not. And now that James knows that himself, he's going to do everything in his power to let it consume you so that you can be his dark Champion."

"This is all so messed up," I said. Placing my hands on my head out of frustration as I did. "I mean. Why would a father ever do that to his own son? First he left me and my mom. And now he wants to use me to get the amulet and become the Trollhunter himself because then..."

"He can raise Gunmar again," Merlin finished. But I had already made up my mind.

"No. Then we will just have to rescue Blinky before he can take the amulet. Because if there's anything I know, it's that James Lake will never be the Trollhunter. Not as long as I live. I stand by my responsibility of protecting both humans and trolls. James won't resurrect Gunmar because we will be there to stop him. So Merlin?"

"I have it," he said. "Just promise me that you won't let it fall into James's hands." Then in a flash of blue light, he flicked his right hand to make the amulet of Daylight appear in midair before me. I gasped.

It had been forever since I last saw my amulet. I will be lying if I said that I didn't miss it. He supplied a cough before I could take it right out of his magical grasp. It made me stare at him. Long and hard. "No matter what the Darkness may do to you, Jim. Just promise me that. Don't let it consume you."

My hand was half raised to take the amulet when I spoke. "I promise," I said.

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