Dare or Dare

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Jai and Luke entered  the living room laughing about the prank they pulled earlier on their neighbour, an 80 year old man.

"-and when he tried to chase us haha" Jai said

"Yeah and then his denture fell off!" Luke said and they started laughing hysterically.

"Why are you two laughing like hyenas?" Daniel asked appearing from the kitchen eating a sandwich.

"Oh you know-" Jai started to say

"Hey guys!" James cut him off. He and Beau had just arrived.

"We saw the old man outside muttering something and he was panting like he had-"

"Whoa man" Luke said.

"What? I was just going to say he looked like he had been running for hours" Beau said with an innocent look on his face.

"Yeah I'm sure" Daniel snickered "so what did you do to him?"

"We put a few harmless mice in his house through his window" Jai said and the guys started laughing like crazy.

"I can't believe I missed it!" James whined.

"Don't be such a baby" Daniel told him

"Shut it you moron" he said and slapped the back of his head.

In return he shoved his sandwich on James face.

"Guys stop acting so immature" Beau tried to sound annoyed but he couldn't stop the grin on his face

"Yeah because you're so mature" Luke told him sarcastic.

"Whatever" Beau said, "So what do you want to do today?" 

"Let's make a video" Luke suggested

"Great! Let's do 'Dare or Dare' " James said excited

"Awesome! I'll be right back" Jai agreed and went to his room to grab the camera.

After they set up the camera and got comfortable on the couch, they pressed the "record" button.

"Three, two, one. Hey guys, we are the Janoskians" everyone said at the same time except Daniel who said "daresundays"

"Come on man we said we'll upload this on the Janoskians channel" Jai complained

"Okay whatever Luke can edit this part out, let's do it again" Beau said

"Three, two, one. Hey guys! We are the Janoskians" they said not very synchronized.

"And today" Luke said

"We are doing" Daniel said

"DARE OR DARE" Beau, Jai and James said at the same time.

"I'll go first" James said ,"Jai I dare you to lick the floor"

"Oh come on that's easy" Luke complained.

"I'll do it" he said and fell on the floor. He touched the floor with the tip of his tongue and got up. "Done!" he said proudly.

"That's cheating!" Beau said annoyed

"Yeah if you don't do it I'll make you eat Skip's snot" James challenged him

"Okay okay  jeez" he got on the floor and licked it. "That tasted funny" he said and spat.

"Hey I'm offended. I thought you liked my snot, I mean that time at the daresundays you ate it with the jam doughnut and you liked it"

"If knew it I wouldn't even go near it"

"Well I think it's tasty"

"Eww Daniel you're disgusting!"

"Thank you!"

"Okay well now I dare you to pick your nose and show us the results"

"And you're saying that he's disgusting? You're worse" Luke said

Daniel started exploring his nose with his finger and after a few seconds he showed the boys what he discovered.

"Oh my God I think you just got your brain out through your nose" Beau said and started gagging, feeling sick from the sight of Daniel's snot.

"Okay Daniel put that away or we'll throw up on you" James said and gave him a tissue.

"Now it's my turn. Luke I dare you to piss yourself" Daniel said


"You heard me"

"How am I supposed to do that?"

"Just piss yourself already"

"But I don't have the need to pee"

"Here" Daniel handed him a bottle of water "drink up"


Half an hour and four more bottles of water later

"This is stupid Daniel just dare me something else"



"Guys! Let's tickle him until he pee his pants!" James said

"No no" he started to say but everyone attacked him and started tickling him. He laughed like crazy until he couldn't hold it anymore and peed  himself.

"See? We helped you complete your dare that's how much we care about you" Beau said

"I'll go take a shower"

"Not yet let's finish the video first"  Beau said

"But I can't stay like th-"

"You can and you will now sit down and dare someone"

"Bossy much?"

"Do it or we will tickle you again" Daniel warned him

"Okay calm down. So, I dare Beau to eat dog food BUT, because we've done this one before, this time I'll add ketchup and nutella"

"Oh God I think after this one I'll end up in hospital" he said and grabbed the dog food with the ketchup and nutella Luke gave him. He took some on his palm and ate it. Then he tried to eat some more but he wanted to puke. He managed to keep it in but when he ate the last piece of it, he vomited on Jai, who happened to be standing next to him.

"What the hell man, couldn't you puke on the floor?"

"That was the worst thing ever"

"Yeah I can tell because now it's all over me!"

"Haha look at the twins! The one has piss on him and the other vomit! Hahaha" James laughed

"Let's finish this so we can go change" Jai said

"Just give me a sec I need some water" Beau said

"Hurry up!" Jai said

"Okay I'm back. James I dare you  to stuff four ice cubes in your mouth for 30 seconds"

"Sure I'm ready"


A few seconds later

He put the four ice cubes in his mouth and instantly spit them out.

"They're too cold"

"Stop whining" Daniel said

He put them back in and when the time was over he quickly got them out.

"How are you?" Beau asked


Dare or DareDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora