Chapter 13: Katniss' POV

Start from the beginning

"Send her a parachute," Snow whispered to an assistant, I don't think he knew I could hear him. But then again maybe he mean't for me to hear..

"With what in it sir?" The man asked.

"Well, for starters the new gel that heals cuts almost immediately, and some water maybe some food. More arrows? Along the lines of all of that." The assistant nodded and walked off, about a minute later the parachute floated down on the screen. As Clove, Peeta, and Cato raced to see what was in it I turned to Snow.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked.

"You got an eleven, I don't know how but you did. It gave your district hope, and every day your in that arena you give them more. Now, a little hope is good. It gives them something to route for, but however, a lot of hope is bad. And I'm afraid, Mrs. Everdeen, you've already passed the dangerous line." Snow explained. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out.

"Yes, I am keeping you alive, but only to kill you at the right time." He said.

But only to kill you at the right time, rang in my head.

"You'll be waking up soon, know your time will come, Mrs. Everdeen"

•~•~•~•~• •~•~•~•~•

"Hey guys! I think she's waking up!" Yelled Clove's voice. I opened my eyes slowly to reveal Clove and the others sitting around me.

"God, what happened?" I asked rubbing my head and sitting up on my elbows.

"These god damn mutts. You got a parachute, it pretty much saved your life!" Cato admitted.

I looked around the camp they set up, Marvel and Glimmer weren't there. I guess they went to go find food or something! I slowly stood up and so did the rest.

"As much as you need to rest, we've been In this spot for a day, we need to get back to the cornucopia, Cato still doesn't have a weapon and you don't have any your good at!" Clove told us, winking at me. I nodded.

"Alright, lets go!" I agreed, we quickly started off toward the cornucopia.

'Katniss? Can I talk to you alone?" Asked Peeta.

"Sure, Clove Cato, You guys go ahead we'll catch up!" I said.

"Okayyyy?" Clove said and they kept walking.

"Katniss I'm so sorry!" He pleaded.

"About?" I asked smiling.

"When the birds were torturing you I was just standing there watching.." He mumbled.

He was who was coming? I stared blankly at him, we stayed there looking at each other in silence until we heard a noise. The boy from seven appeared out of the bushes and threw a sword. On instinct I knocked my bow and shot an arrow at the boy, who couldn't have been older than fifteen. He fell and I looked back over at Peeta. He stood there numb and lifeless I looked downward. Lodged in his chest was the sword the boy had thrown.

"No," I whispered, "Peeta!"

He fell and I sat next to him.

"Oh my god, Peeta!" I yelled while pulling the knife out of his chest.

A cannon sounded and tears flew out of my eyes, I couldn't bare sitting there and watching Peeta's limp body, so I stumbled back to the cornucopia. Clove and Cato were talking when I got back. I wiped the tears from my eyes so they wouldn't know I was crying.

"He died, Seven killed him." I said.

"Did you kill Seven?" Asked Cato.

"Yeah. Who else died while I was gone?" I asked.

"The boy from three, girl from eight, oh and uh you!" Clove yelled throwing a knife in my direction, luckily I was able to dodge it and knock my bow. I released it and it hit her nose, sinking into her skin. I was panting.

"Clove!" Cried Cato.

"Cato, I'm sorry," I sniffed. "She was my friend or at least I thought she was.. Cato! She would have killed me!"

"No it's fine, I guess." He wiped his eyes and his whole body stiffened. "I need a weapon then lets get out of here." He walked into the center of the cornucopia and moved around some stuff. In the end, he found four knifes and two swords.

"Come on, lets go." He said. My whole body ached in pain from where my multiple wounds had been. Had Snow made Clove do that? He couldn't.. Could he? We walked in silence until dark. Cato built a fire and I went for a hunt. When I returned I had two rabbits and a bird. We roasted them and ate, still silent.

"So, a bow huh?" He asked. Startled I jumped a little bit, and that made him laugh.

"Yeah, I faked being bad at it in training so no one would know, right now your the only alive person who knows it."

"Thanks for the honor!" He teased.

"Your welcome!" I laughed...

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