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Every time I see their face I can't help to smile, the intoxicating happiness is like a lightning bolt that flows within me, you are my sunshine. Your vivid blue sky, your wispy white clouds, your radiant sunset hue in which enlightens the darkest of corners, you turn broken hearts into shattered art, you form teary eyes into polished porcelain. I'll be your moon, your other half I'll balance your earth and let you rest when your arms grow tired from holding the weight of the world, I'll be the moonlit dance floor, the midnight adventure, I'll be your moon, your other half, I will rise every night so you can see the stars, the stars that hold our memories, our laughs, our rants, our smiles, and our tears. You can be the sunset of my day full of soft vibrant colors. you can literally joke about anything I'll laugh until little crows feet form in the corners of my eyes, and my stomach aches in the best way imaginable. even though you're my sunshine, you can be the galaxy, every star resembles the memories we've shared or will share. You have such a pretty smile you are special, you are talented, and overwhelmingly smart. sometimes I feel like an idiot around you, we could stay up all night just watching the sunset, your sunset, and watch the stars with the gentle breeze blowing on our face with the gentle sounds of animals calming down for the night, even the frigid waves of the ocean, the relaxing sea foam forming on the edges, and the boom box that's blasting our favorite music till we pass out. you'll never fade away because I know you'll come back, even if your gone, I'll be here the faint whisper of your presence like a song I cant quite manage to forget.

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