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        The chilly November air brushed lightly against my face as I stepped out of my car and thanked my driver. Pulling my jacket more tightly around me and fixing my sunglasses, I made my way to the door in front of me. Today felt good. I had finally gotten a good nights sleep after weeks and week of long nights and concerts. The extra rest made me feel brand new. This fashion show I was about to walk into wasn't necessarily my first choice on my list of "things to do," but my publicity manager encouraged me that it would be a good idea to spend a little time with Victoria's "Angels." I had already met the majority of them, some being sweet and some being twisted and rude. They all talked like they were sharing some sort of gossip and walked like they ran the world. A hint of a smile crept to my face as I thought about how silly they look when they practice their "modeling faces" in the mirror. Maybe this could be fun.

I pushed the door open and entered, immediately being rushed with people. Some took pictures, some called my name to get my attention, and some tugged at my arm to get me to follow them to the makeup room. As I was pulled through the crowd by a short man with shiny black hair and a suit, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. It was like I was a piece of meat and not a person. No one here cared that their flashing camera's were hurting my eyes, or that their loud screams to get my attention were giving me a migraine. It's frustrating, but it's the life I live.

The man guiding my arm walked me through a guarded door labeled "hair and makeup" and the smell of perfume and hairspray hit me like a freight train. Multiple models turned in their seats and greeted me at once. "Taylor!" "Hey girlie!" "Tay! What's up? I missed you!" I answered with smiles and short greetings. Feeling a tap on my shoulder I turned around to find a tall, beautiful brunette grinning wide, eyes full of admiration.

"Ken!" I squealed as I wrapped her in a hug. I hadn't seen her in months and she was one of my closest friends. Seeing her again had already made this show a little less agonizing. A light laugh escaped her lips.

"How have you been? I've missed you so much, oh my God. It's been so busy!" I crossed my arms.

"I've been good! Dear lord tell me about it!" I exclaimed. "'Busy' is an understatement." We both smiled as she slid her arm around my waist and we walked over toward her dressing room. Kendall Jenner was nothing short of a sweetheart. I had met her entire family and she was the only one who wasn't a complete nightmare. We had been friends a long time and I planned to keep it that way. The two of us made small talk in her quiet dressing room for about five minutes until she brought up the question I knew she would ask eventually.

"Sooo?" she wiggled her eyebrows. "Any new boyfriend hovering around lately?" I chuckled at her eagerness.

"You just couldn't wait to ask, could you?" Her smile grew even bigger.

"Of course not. I have to know what's going on in the love life of the Taylor Swift at all times or else I may die." I rolled my eyes and leaned back in my chair.

"No boyfriend right now." I confirmed, "Just the cats." Kendall eyed me suspiciously before turning back to her mirror and applying some lipstick. I watched as she puckered and painted her lips and thought about my so called "love life." A boyfriend? No. I didn't have those unless Rick, my manager, said I needed one. Surprised? Don't be. Boyfriends weren't something I enjoyed having, but they were necessary. If I didn't constantly have a man on my arm, everyone would know my secret. A knock on the door broke my train of thought.

"Come in!" Kendall said loudly, not moving from her position in front of the mirror. The door opened and in entered a tall, slender man with styled blonde hair and a striped shirt. He was handsome and appeared to be in his late thirties.

"Hello ladies." He entered the room, quietly shutting the door behind him. Turning around and walking toward me he reached his hand out for me to shake. "How do you do, I'm the stage manager of this crazy place." He smiled as I took his hand, "Josh Berger." I smiled warmly back and shook it,

"It's nice to meet you, Josh. I'm-" he cut me off.

"Taylor Swift? Oh honey, I'm aware." he laughed, "It's an honor to meet you." Of course he knew my name. Everyone does. I can't recall the last time I actually got to introduce myself to someone. It saves my breath I guess. "I was told to come find you. There's someone you need to meet before the show." Standing up and grabbing my jacket off my chair I nodded my head and looked at Kendall.

"I'll see you later, Ken. It was great seeing you." She responded with a "you too!" and quickly stood up to gave me a short hug before I followed Josh out the door. People hustled about, chanting orders to one another and tossing cosmetics all around the room. Women who seemed to be eight feet tall rushed past me and snapped at each other, creating a hostile environment. It was pretty funny. Josh walked straight through the chaos with me at his tail and into another room that seemed to be much calmer. There were about six women in the room, all getting ready like the rest, just much more quietly. We walked up to a man and a woman talking. The man looked familiar, I think he was the same guy that escorted me in. The woman was standing with her back turned and all I could think of was "TALL". She had to be at least 6'2, maybe taller? All I could see besides her height was her golden hair, falling in graceful curls down her back. Josh and I came to a stop behind them and he cleared his throat. He turned around to face me,

"Taylor, I'd like you to meet the woman you'll be walking down the runway with this evening." I smiled and looked over his shoulder at the woman who was turning around to greet me. My heart skipped a beat and my face suddenly felt very hot. My eyes met hers. Dazzling, ocean blue eyes captured my own and when she blinked I swear they turned a mesmerizing deep green. Her full lips formed into a breath-taking smile, revealing teeth that were straight and white as snow. She wore light makeup that brought out the best features in her face; her sharp cheekbones, perfect nose, and round eyes. I managed to catch my breath, she was so gorgeous.

"You must be Taylor." She said my name and everything just stopped. Nothing happening around us seemed to matter as I responded and stepped forward to greet her with a hug. She was about four inches taller than me and she was warm and soft and smelled like wildflowers. I pulled back but her hands remained on my arms as she gazed at my face. She seemed to be taking in all of my details too. "I'm Karlie. Karlie Kloss." I felt sparks everywhere her skin connected to mine. Of course I knew who she was, I had just never actually seen her in person.
Man, had I been missing out.
She tilted her head to the side, exposing her long neck. I licked my lips. "You're even more beautiful in person." She said softly. My heart began to pump at what felt like a million beats per minute and I felt my cheeks get red. I had a feeling this woman was about to change my life.
How I was about to move forward in this situation was going to be dangerous and compromising to my reputation, but I didn't care. I didn't care what the world would say about us, I was about to make "us" happen. Screw the media and fuck the social norms...
I wanted the goddess standing a few inches away from me.

A/N: That's the end of the first chapter! I hope y'all are enjoying it so far. I'll have an update up soon if I get a few votes. :) BTW Kaylor is a real thing, I have a whole paper written on it with factual evidence. If you don't believe it then you're totally in denial.

-Eepree <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2018 ⏰

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