First kiss?!

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Angel pov.

"Spike do you think he is cute?" Angel ask her pet and nod

"Do you think this will work out?" Angel ask and step on a thin wood and made her fell down on the tree lucky Hawk came and catch you

"I think a royale princess like you should not be up there" Hawk said and put me down

"Thank and don't mind about it" Angel said

"By the way can I know more about you?" Hawk ask and Angel nod

"Sit here" Angel said tapping the ground beside her

"Well I you can start now" Hawk said

"Well my fav. color is F/C and my favorite food is F/F and I use to live on earth and I love skate boarding and a dragon mistress ( am I right cuz if its a girl it should be mistress and if a boy master). .....what about you?" Angel ask looking at Hawk

"Well my fav. food is apple/apple pie my fav. color is blue I'm a dragon master in our school and I used to save a princesses and fight vilan and I have a big sister name Fala" Hawk said and slowly moving his pinkie finger and touch mine I move away

"Sorry I didn't know your hand is there" Hawk said pretending he didn't mean it

"It's ok" Angel said and smile

Suddenly Hawk did it again and so do I our finger touch and we hold our hand like a couple😍😍

"I knew it" I and Hawk said at the same time and we look at each other

I and Hawk face were inches away from each other until his lips crashes into mine but someone clear it throat and I push Hawk away from me and surprisingly it's was his friends

"Think there a bird in here except for a dragon" The purple hair girl say

"Yeah" The green hair girl say

"And it's a love bird" The blond hair girl said

"Guys stop!teasing! " Hawk said and they laugh

"I have to go" I said and left them behind

Hawk x reader |Regal academy and Game of throneWhere stories live. Discover now