Chapter 1

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-May 30, 2014-

Julie's POV

It's the last full day of school before final exam week. Well, I actually just got done with my last exam for today. At least now I know I can just go to Australia for this contest thing. I'm glad I was somehow able to hide my life. I mean being a some what famous singer, dancer, and youtuber and not being noticed at school is pretty amazing. Seriously, no one was able to figure out who I really am. To them, I'm just Juliet Cerio, but to the rest of the world I'm Julie Cee.

An office aide walks into my Health Science II class. 

"Juliet," my teacher says. I walk up to her desk and collect the pass. "Take your stuff with you." I nod and grab my binder, stuffing it into my shoulder bag. I then proceed to walk to the principal's office. 

I see that the principal isn't there yet so I sit and wait by his office. Since his office is by the main entrance of the school, I can see whoever is coming in. The door opens, and the warm summer breeze falls in. I look over to see three familiar figures I know oh too well. I remain in my seat just so I don't cause a scene.

"Hello, we're here for the competition meeting with the principal," I hear Ed say.

"Ah yes. Edward Kahel, Christina Kahel, and Matthew Kahel, is that correct?" the lady at the desk asks.

"Yes," Ed replies.

"Just go take a seat by his office over there."

I put my head down and make it look like I'm reading on my phone.

"You know that isn't going to work with us, right Jules," I hear Matt say in my ear.

"I hate how you know me too well," I say looking up, giving him a hug.

"Well you know, you are my best friend," he says laughing.

"Hey, what about us?" Tina and Ed complain.

"Come here," I say opening my arms to hug them. They both tackle me in a hug.

"What are you guys doing here though?" I ask.

"Don't you remember the competition thing that my university is holding? You know, the one for high schools?" Ed asks.

"Yeah, but that still doesn't explain why you guys are here," I say.

"We're the head of the whole thing, along with you," Tina says.

"Wait, I'm one of the people in charge of the event?" I ask.

"Yeah, it's you, me, Ed, and Matt," Tina explains.

"I thought I was a mentor though," I say.

"You are, but you are also one of the people holding it and a competetor. Seriously, you're competing too," Matt says.

"This is amazing," I say. Someone else soon walks in. I look behind me to see that it's one of my best friends, Cole.

"Hey Julie," he says.

"Hey Cole," I say getting up to give him a hug.

"Do you know what's going on?" he asks as he takes a seat. 

"I actually do, but I'm not allowed to say," I say taking the last open seat. It just happens to be in between Cole and Matt. 

"Why can't you tell me?" he whines.

"Because I was told not to," I say with a smirk.

"Fine then, don't tell me. Hey Matt," he says.

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