"I see..."

Then, his eyes flicker away from Darius to Mandla, who now just entered the party.

Man, that kid really makes my ass itch.

Mackenzie could sense his whole demeanor changing. He seemed a little stiff and bothered.


"Yeah?" He mumbles.

"You good?"

His eyes immediately snaps back to her. His hands press softly into her shoulders, backing her gently into the counter as he leans forward and press his lips onto hers.

A shocked noise escapes from her throat and her eyes were wide as he pushes against her a little harder.

He bit gently into her lower lip and he pulls back, leaving her lips tingling.

When he was stood completely in front of her, his face was no longer impassive.

He looked worried and insecure, eyes darting around and refusing to look at her face.

"Was that—I shouldn't have done that?" He asks quietly.

Mackenzie needed to retrieve her wig that he currently snatched because whew child!

"N-no, that's not..." She trails off, pressing her hands to his chest and dragging them up to his shoulders. "Do it again."

He let out a shaky breath, leaning forward again and pressing his mouth to hers.

His hands come back to her body as she wraps her arms around his neck, dragging his fingers slowly across her ribcage, her shirt catching on his fingertips.

He digs them into her waist, hard, and her back arches as her chest presses further into his.

He steps even closer, moving his lips against hers roughly.

His hands then tug at her waistband.

Quickly remembering they're in public, her eyes snap open, sliding her hands back down to Johnny's chest and pushing him away lightly.

He pushes forward instead, biting down on her bottom lip warningly.

She holds back the groan in her chest and shoves at his chest again.

He gets the message and pulls away, looking down at her with dark green eyes, pupils dilated so wide.

"N-Not here..." She stammers, catching her breath. "Let's go upstairs."

She doesn't have to tell him twice as he grips her wrist and drags her out the kitchen and through the large crowd.

Finally reaching the staircase, he guides her upstairs towards the bedrooms... where the magic happens ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

He leads her into a bedroom, ignoring the couples in the hallway as he kicks the door shut behind him.

He presses her back into the door roughly. His lips immediately come in contact with her jaw. Nipping gently at her ear then pressing kisses into her jawline.

His hand moves down to her shorts and he slides his fingers up softly from her knee.

His fingers move to her inner thigh, pinching gently at the skin.

She jumps and her life flashes before her eyes as realization finally hits her.

Lil woof woof🐶 cannot go into her lil meow meow🐱.

"Wait–" She squeaks out, attempting to squeeze her thighs together, but Johnny's hand between her legs made that impossible.

"Uh-uh." He mumbles, looking down at his hand.

"No, Johnny, you don't get it... I-I can't do it." She rushes, hands on his shoulders.

He stares at her in confusion. "Is this... is this your first time?"

"What? No, nothing like that."

"What's wrong?" He kisses down her neck, rubbing gently at her thighs. "Why won't you let me have you, hm?"

She doesn't respond, too consumed with the feeling of Johnny's lips on her skin.

"Can't I just taste you?" He slowly unbuttons her shorts and reaches for the zipper.

She gasps and grips his wrist to stop him from any further actions. "No! Not unless you want blood down you throat!"


"I'm on my period... stoopid." She grumbles, a bright hue of red on her cheeks from embarrassment.




A/N: i really just had beef with depression's fake ass for like two weeks and i was tired of all that talking shit so i told her to pull up. next thing i knew, i was stomping that fugly bitch to her GRAVE... dm for the fight video. #queentingz😘

MINE | JENZIEDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora