"R-Randy..." I pulled away from our kiss as I stared to feel a warmth grow in between my thighs.

"Just relax baby." He cooed as he placed soft kisses along my neck, biting and sucking. Causing me to let out a soft moan.

"Randy we can't..." I bit my lip, trying to get out of his grip.

"Why not?" He nibbled at my neck causing a shock of pleasure down my spine. I giggled trying to stop him once again.

"Steven stop..." I whined.

He sighed and stopped, giving me a frustrated look. "What's wrong?"

"We can't cross this line." I bit my lip nervously, knowing something was bound to happen. I'd been with Randy nonstop for 7 months now. We've grown closer than ever. I knew how he felt about me but I wasn't sure what I wanted at this point. I don't want to lead him on or hurt him.

"We already crossed it. Why not keep going?" He wrapped his arms around my ribs and gave me a gentle squeeze. I smiled at his actions as he looked up at me with pleading eyes. "It's been a long time Lilly."

I giggled at the fact that I'd already known this for he'd been crippled for the last 7 months and wasn't really seeing anyone before that. If I was being honest with myself, it's been a long time for me too for I haven't been with anyone since the last time I slept with Michael. John and I never got to that point although we came awfully close.

"I really should finish packing. Don't you have a tour to get ready for?" I bit my lip as I wiggles out of his grip and stood back up.

"I'm trying to get ready for it. You won't let me." I watched him roll his eyes and lay back on his bed to where he was staring at the ceiling with sexual frustration.

I giggled as I realized how much I'm gonna miss him.

• • • •


I must admit, I didn't want to leave. I wanted to pretend life was great and stay with Diana. I wanted to go solo. I was tired of being with my brothers and tired of Joesph. I have so many projects and ideas that I can't express. It hurts me to not be able to express myself. I sat by the fireplace and played with my duffle bag zipper.

I hear the phone ring, I just look at it as I hear Diana yell that she's got it from another room. I drop my head as I try to stop the burning sensation of tears trying to escape. I know it's him. The other man. Arne. He calls often, sends her gifts and flowers. I've even found a ring. I know he sent it. I know she said yes to being his wife. I've seen her try to hide her relationship with him from me. I played along, like I didn't know who was calling late hours of the night, who was sending love letters in the mail, who she'd often leave me to go see. Her fiancé.

I didn't want to believe it. I just wanted him to be a fan, a friend, someone who had a crush on her, but he was way more than that and I felt it. This whole relationship between Diana and I was in my head.. we'd never established an actual relationship. I just assumed we were an item. I was kidding myself. I let her lead me on and confuse me. I let her play me for so long.

I got up off the fireplace and grabbed my bag. I made my way to the door and glanced back before leaving without saying goodbye to Diana.

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