Chapter 2

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"I have a bit of a crush on you. I have only seen you a few time and I know you are a caring man. You helped my Papa Francis and you help my friend Feliciano oh so much." She was so cute expressing her fewlings to me. "Listen Helena I just personally met jou and jou are a very beautiful voman, so if jou like me lets get to know eachother a bit more like adults?" I told her she smiled happily and her green eyes lit up. "Oh you have made me so happy Ludwig!" She said happile wrapping her arms around me in a hug. I hugged her back smiling and she softly kissed me on the lips.

"Ciao Helena and Ludwig I'm~a back! Oh sorry to interrupt~a you to." At that moment I had kissed her back and she pulled away hearin Feliciano. "Oh Feliciano it's fine did you enjoy visiting Romano?" She asked him with a slight blush on her cheeks. "Oh yes~a I enjoyed him so much bella I brought him and Antonio back!" Her face lit up again and she went out of the room. "Oncle(uncle) Antonio! It has been so long!" She was happy to see him. Antonio turned and smiled at the French woman. "Oh Helena you look muy bonita as always." He smiled twirling her around. "How has your dancing been coming around?" He said doing a little dance and spining her again. "Oh Oncle Antonio you are going to make me dizzy." She laughted backing away from the Spaniard. "Antonio sei così stupido... (You are so stupid)" Romano said crossining his arms. "Oh Romano you can't blame me I haven't seen Mi sobrinita(my little niece) in a muy muy long time." He said rubbing the back of his neck. "Bonjour Romano it has been quite the long time." She smiled at him kissing his cheeks making him blush. "si Ciao Helena how are you doing." He said looking away, and she smiled. "I am doing fantastic thank you Romano." She to him. "So~a how was your time with Ludwig Helena? Was he nice to~a you bella." She smiled blushing telling him yes and talked about our time. "I came from the wall I was leaning and went to try and make my way into the kitchen for something to drink. "Oh Ludwig come join us we have~a wine and beer. Come and sit with your fidanzata(girlfriend)." Feliciano said gesturing to Helena on the loveseat by heself talking to Antonio. She looked like a queen as she brought the white wine to her lips to take a sip of its continents.

"Fine if jou say so" I said shoving my hands in my pockets on my jeans. Antonio handed me a beer and I opened it taking a drink while Helena listened to Romano and Feliciano bicker. "So Helena...err... How did jou and Feliciano meet for zthe first zime?" I asked trying to strike up conversations with her. She looked at me and smiled, "I was actully out looking for something diffrent to try. I was wondering around Italy and trying some different foods and he saw ne and showed me a few places. He was such a flirt like a little school boy looking for a date to the dance." She giggled and smiled calming herself down, "after that we just kinda hit it off as they say in Amérique(America)" she took another sip of her drink and sighed.  "We should~a play a game and invite belle ragazze(pretty girls) over~a!" Feliciano said calling a few people. "If my house gets destroyed jou vill be zhe one cleaning it up." I said and he nodded waving me off. "If it dose mon âme I will help with the clean okay. I know he can be a bit messy with his little parties." Helena whispred in my ear. She smiled at me happily and I smiled back taking another drink.

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