Kiss Me in the Morning

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I hope you enjoy this! I'm really proud of this one and it's my favorite one I've written so far. It's a bit long, but let me know what you think!

Y/N - Your name
E/C - Eye color

Warnings - A bit of underage drinking, an uncomfortable situation or two, clothes being taken off, let me know if there are any more!

To clarify, this is not smut :)

Whether Slytherin won or lost a Quidditch game, it was always an excuse for them to have a party. Y/N usually made an appearance for an hour or so then made her way to bed, but tonight was different. Her best friend, Pansy Parkinson, had somehow convinced her to stay in the common room. Y/N had to admit she was having fun. Between the loud music being played and the increasing amount of fire whiskey she had consumed, she felt free.

These last few weeks had been academically intense and maybe that's why she'd agreed to stay down in the crowded common room. As her hips swayed to the music, she bumped into people. No one seemed to mind until a pair of hands gripped her waist from behind. She spun around quickly. Standing in front of her was a blonde hair blue eyed boy with a sharp jawline and a mischievous smirk.

"Draco!" she shouted and jumped on him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his torso.

"Hey, love." he laughed and his arms snaked back around her waist.

"I missed you! You did so good at the game today. We won, right?" she slurred. He nodded and reached around to untangle her legs from him. She grudgingly got down and pouted. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and lead her to a less crowded place.

"How much have you had to drink, Y/N?" he asked.

"Um, only a little. Pansy convinced me to stay down here tonight! It's great. Why haven't I done this before?"

Draco only shook his head back and forth. Usually, this wasn't Y/N's scene. Her scene was less crowded and far more quiet. He looked around and his eyes locked with a dark haired girl's across the room. She smirked and turned the music down.

"Who wants to play truth or dare?" Pansy yelled. A few raised their hands, including Y/N who was also jumping up and down.

"I love that game! Draco, come play with us!"

"I don't think that's a good idea. You're drunk. Why don't we go upstairs or take a walk?" he suggested and was quickly shot down by her dragging him through the crowd and towards Pansy. As they got to the small circle, Y/N pulled him down to sit next to her.

"Loosen up, Draco. Here."

She handed him a shot glass and raised an eyebrow. He took it from her, smirked, and threw his head back as he downed the alcohol. It burned as it made it's way down his throat, but it quickly disappeared as he downed four more. For every shot he took, she took two more. Finally, Pansy sat down and the game began.

"Since I suggested it, I get to go first. Whoever I ask, goes next. You can't ask the same person who asked you. If you refuse to answer your truth or go through with your dare, you have to do 10 shots of fire whiskey. Got it?" Pansy looked around at the seven people in front of her. They all nodded and she smirked once more. The rest of the Slytherin students stood around, watching the scene unfold.

"Blaise, truth or dare?" she asked.

"Truth." he said and Pansy frowned.

"How many girls in this circle have you liked as more than a friend?"

"All four. You, Jessica, Daphne, and Y/N." he answered.

Y/N giggled and looked at Draco sitting next to her. His jaw was visibly clenched and his hands had curled into fists. His muscles were tensed. He was upset and it was obvious- but why?

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