I blushed at his words as I didn't even realize how much I actually did for him. It didn't feel like a task. I wanted and enjoyed helping him and hanging out with him. Even when he's not having a good day, or under medication, he still manages to make me laugh or brighten my day.

"I'm just glad I can help." I spoke softly, feeling like I should say more but unsure of what exactly to add.

He flashed me that charming smile of his which made me blush. "You need anything else?" I asked him sweetly.

"Yeah. Help me to the bathroom?"

I grabbed his arms and helped him shuffle to the edge of the bed. I grabbed his crutches and brought them in front of him as I helped him stand and balance on them. He slowly limped his way to his connected personal bathroom as I slowly followed behind him, making sure he doesn't fall.

"You got it from here?" I asked as he limped inside the bathroom.

"No, can you come hold it for me this time?" He gave me a sly smile as I rolled my eyes and shut the door, separating us for the moment.

"Hey." A soft mumble came from the doorway.

I turned around and came face to face with Michael. I stared at him for a moment because we haven't spoken in awhile and I didn't know he was home. He's barely ever home anymore. He was wearing a pink Mickey Mouse sweater and blue jeans. He looked super adorable and tacky at the same time but I had to stand my ground and not cave to his good looks.

"Need something?" I asked as I broke our intense glare and leaned against the bathroom door, trying to act like I didn't care for his presence.

"Well I came in to see how Randy is doing but I'd like to talk to you since  you're here."

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "Randy is doing great."

The bathroom door I was leaning on swung open causing me to stumble. I felt two big hands grab my waist to stop me from falling. I looked back at Randy and gave him a small smile.

"My bad." Randy laughed. I handed him his crutches that waited for him outside of the bathroom and he began to limp back to his bed.

"Hey Mike. What's up?" Randy cheered as he handed me his crutches and sat on his bed.

"Just came to see how you are. Need anything?" He spoke softly as he glanced between Randy and I.

"Nope. I've got everything I need right here." He smiled up and me and pinched my thigh causing me to jump and glare at him.

Michael sighed and looked at me. "Lilly... can we talk please?"

"Anything you need to say to me you can say in front of Randy." I crossed my arms and sat next to him on his bed. Randy bit his lip as he tried not to smile. We both stared at Michael awaiting a response.

Michael glared at us for a moment then rolled his eyes. "You know what? Never mind. I'll let you know when the wedding is because you two are definitely invited. Let me know if you need anything Randy." He walked out and shut the door behind him. I stared at the door and felt my heart drop at the fact that he was rubbing his non-existent future relationship with Diana in my face. I felt frozen and incomplete.

I felt Randy looking at me and he placed his hand on my thigh and began to rub it in attempt to comfort me.

"Forget him Lilly... he's just being a spaz. You can do better."

His words went in one ear and out the other. I didn't want to do better. I want Michael. Even my relationship with John slowly faded as I started to spend all of my time here with Randy. He was understanding at first, then he began to get jealous so I basically cut him off.

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