Start from the beginning

After a little, he moved to lie on his back and stare up at the ceiling, heaving in and out to catch his breath. He looked over at Daisy, sitting up with her blanket over chest. The moon hit her arm, making her have a unique glow. He thought the act was a bit ironic being that he had just seen her chest for a good while.

"Are you okay?"

Daisy looked over at him, her dark brown eyes glimmering from the moonlight as a smile appeared on her lips. "I'm fine... Just checking the time. That's all." She muttered as she threw her watch towards the end of her bed. She leaned back and rested her head on Curly's chest. Her finger traced the tattoo that he had on his arm, a simple plain black tattoo. He was never one for small talk after sex so he was relieved she didn't say much. Instead, he closed his eyes, slipping into a sleep.

Once Curly woke up he noticed his head was buried in Daisy's shoulder with his arm around her waist. He moved his head to check his watch to confirm that it was very early morning. After blowing out a light breath he moved to sit up and slowly rub his face, trying to keep from falling asleep again. He slid down the bed and reached for his jeans that rested on the floor and sliding them up his legs. He caught sight of Daisy sleeping, in awe from it, sleeping soundly with her hair messily sprawled out over the pillow. He chuckled some and leaned forward, pressing a kiss to her cheek before climbing out her window.

"Where was your bony ass all night?" Jose asked once Curly reached Jose's.

Jose had been on his porch, watching as Curly turned the car off. He quickly leaned over to open the glove box, grabbing the heater and putting it in the waistband of his jeans. He didn't want to bring it around Daisy, he didn't like bringing gang things up around her that much, or else she'd get too worried. He kept in the glove box if he was around her. He was growing used to having the gun around, he hadn't used it but just the feeling of having it there made him feel better, more protected. He wondered if he'd ever use it. If he actually had the balls to go through with it. He knew how to use it, his tios would let him play around with one when he was around 15, but Jose wanted to be sure Curly was good with it, which he was. "A natural." Jose said. "Like tu papa."

"I was just hanging out, y'know?"

"Mm. Hanging out, your neck seems to be telling a different story nephew." Jose said as he flicked his cigarette bud off the porch.

Curly could feel his face getting red as he walked to the bathroom to take a look. A few red and purple marks had decorated his neck and shoulders. He chuckled as he looked at them, a strange feeling of being proud overcoming him.

"Looks like you were busy." Jose comments from the door frame. "Get some sleep, si? Then meet me down at the club on ninth Street later."

A few hours later when Curly woke up for the second time that day, he took a quick shower before he met up with Jose. A smile stuck to his face as he thought about the early morning events he participated in. He didn't know how to feel or how he felt, he just knew that he felt good. Closer even. He wondered if he was in love, the thought would often cross his mind being that he never counted as actually being in love. He'd have conversations like this with Tim and Jimmy, asking their opinions.

"Nah, you're just wrapped up. It'll pass." They'd say.

He wondered what they'd say now. He felt different from how he felt before. The thought made him miss Tim and Jimmy even more, but he quickly shook it off. He knew what those feelings would lead him back to, and right now he needed to stay focused.

Curly met up with Jose around noon, meeting at a drive in instead of the club. He had been selling with Jose, he had more customers than he usually had because the Christmas season was coming up. Curly had been so busy he hardly noticed it was approaching, he was sort of glad, that way he didn't have to focus on his bullshit family traditions that he'd be missing out on. He wondered if Angela would want to do it without him there. He could hear her now, whining about how it wouldn't be the same. And he guessed he wouldn't be the same.

"Hey handsome, the usual." A customer said.

Curly didn't think twice as he reached into his pocket and handed the dust to her. She handed back 2 twenty dollar bills, which didn't make Curly surprised as he pocketed the money. He was a big hit with the females and he always got extra. Connie also helped bring in a little extra with her boobs always showing. The customers liked it.

Curly's eyes wandered around the drive in, taking in everyone's appearances. His eyes kept landing on one kid and he couldn't exactly figure out why. He looked so familiar but he couldn't pinpoint it. Curly looked to Jose, who had been busy flirting with a skinny female a few feet away from him. It took Curly a few minutes to remember who it was. And when he did, a sweat broke out and his hands started shaking anxiously. The memories came running back so vividly, seeming as if he remembered every detail. He wasn't nervous. He was pissed. The cause of his stupid ass nightmares was standing in front of him and he wanted nothing more than to go over there and smash his face in a brick wall.

"What you staring at nino?" Jose chuckled.

Curly took in a deep breath, eyes narrowing as he looked over at him. He was laughing casually at the movie playing. He was alone which made Curly feel even better, even more anxious. His hands squeezed into fists as he looked over at the kid, ready to pounce on him like a lion.

"That's him."

"Quien? Que pasa?" Jose asked, his voice lowering and becoming more serious.

"That motherfucker with the screwdriver, ese. That's him." Curly replied through gritted teeth.

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