• • • •

John gladly drove and dropped me off at the hospital. He wanted to come with me for support but I assured him I could handle it and I'd call him later. I rushed up to the 3rd floor and immediately saw Mama K, Joesph, Marlon, Jackie, Toya (and her boyfriend Larry), Tito, Jermaine (and Hazel, his wife), and Janet.

Janet eagerly rushed over to me with red eyes and buried her face in my chest as she sobbed. I furrowed my eyebrows as I rubbed her back.

"What happened?" I spoke softly.

"Randy was driving his Benz near the Hollywood Bowl. He hit a puddle and his precious Benz began to skid. He couldn't gain control so the car jammed into a concrete light pole..."

My heart dropped as i imaged the vulgar details of the accident in my head.

"He was trapped inside the car till the fire department got him out. He's in surgery right now. The doctors said his legs were crushed.."

I felt tears begin to escape my eyes as I leaned in closer to sobbing Dunk below me, trying to comfort her and myself at the same time.

"B-But... he's gonna be okay." I asked more as a statement rather than a question.

"Yes. He's gonna be okay. He's a Jackson. We are fighters." Joe stood up, walking out of sight, seeming to be angry rather than scared or sad.

I sighed as I walked with Janet over to the sitting area to join everyone else.

After what seemed like hours of waiting, a doctor finally came out, causing all of us to jump to our feet.

"How is he?" Mama K. spoke softly yet hopefully.

"He's going to be fine." He assured, causing a breath of relief from everyone in the room. "But... he won't be able to walk for the next 8 months.."

It fell silent in the room until Mama K spoke up moments later. "Thank you so much doctor. We are so grateful for you." She gave him a soft smile.

"Can we see him?" Toya spoke up.

"Yes. But only two at a time. He's still under medication from being in surgery so we don't want to overwhelm him. The medication will ware off soon though."

We all thanked the doctor as he disappeared behind the big hospital doors.

"He's gonna be okay!" Janet clapped with a smile.

"But he won't be able to walk... Joesph, what about the tour?" Jackie asked with concern written all over his face.

"We just gonna have to do it for him. Go on and do the tour without-"

"Absolutely not Joe. Nobody is going anywhere. Randy needs all the love and support he can get. We all need to be here for him, helping him recover. No tour. That's final." Mama K spoke softly and sternly at the same time.

I smiled as Joesph had a look of defeat on his face. "You win Katie." He rolled his eye and grabbed her hand as they walked away to go greet and comfort Randy first.

I'd watched as they all, two by two, went in to see their brother. I'd wondered why Michael wasn't here. It saddened me that at a critical time as such, he's not here.

I was the last person and I had to go in alone, which made me nervous. I didn't know what to expect or what state he was going to be in after such a traumatic experience.

I lightly knocked and pushed the hospital door open, instantly hearing the beeping of his heart rate monitor. I peak inside then build up the courage to walk in, quietly shutting the door behind me. I felt anxious and scared as my heart raced. I stopped in my tracks as I saw my giddy little Randy laying in the hospital bed. He was wearing a white and blue gown, both of his legs were casted and propped up on slings. He had tubes coming from his arm that connected him to an IV. My heart broke at the sight.

He sluggishly turned his head to me, instantly giving me a small smile. I couldn't find it in me to smile back. I furrowed my eyebrows as I tried to hold back tears.

"You gonna come kiss me or you just gonna stand there." He breathed out with his words being slurred.

I smiled small as I realized that after all of this, he'd kept his whit and sense of humor. I slowly walked over and kissed him gently on the cheek before sitting in the chair next to him that had probably been occupied by the visitors before me. I faintly hear the beeping of his heart rate monitor increase in speed but pay no mind to it.

"How do you feel?" I asked barely above a whisper, scanning his broken up body once again.

"Ya know, I've had better days." He spoke softly as he smiled stupidly at me, causing me to giggle.

"You scared me half to death Steven." I said in a serious manner, stating his government name. "You trying to leave me or somethin?"

He sighed and smiled at me. "Before our first kiss? Not at all ma." I blushed as he flirted with me. Randy's always had a crush on me. Well, most of the Jackson boys do, but Randy was always upfront and daring about his crush.

"Don't you ever try to leave me again." I spoke softly and I rubbed his cheek. He looked me deep in the eyes and I couldn't help but to look back. Faintly hearing the monitor increase in speed again.

"Thank you for being here Lilly. It means more to me than you'd even imagine."

I smiled at his kind words as I glanced at the monitor then back at him as I'd now realized that I make his heart race. I blushed at the thought of what was happening but I kept it to myself. There was no need to embarrass him in this moment.

"Well you're gonna be seeing a lot of me for about 8 months. I'm gonna be right by your side till you're a hundred percent Randy again."

He sluggishly smiled at me, knowing I meant every word. Our conversation was interrupted by the door swinging open and Michael darting inside. He looked at me for a moment then Randy. He rushed to the other side of Randy's bed and tried to catch his breath.

"You scared the heck outta me you shmuck! Don't ever do this again! You just got your license two months ago and you're already pulling this stunt? You're never driving again." Michael softly spoke as if he was Randy father.

"It wasn't a stunt Mike. Relax. I'm gonna be fine man." Randy tried to sit up in his hospital bed, I saw him struggling so I grabbed his arm to help then I adjusted his pillow. He weakly smiled at me in a thankful manner as Michael stopped talking for a moment to stare at me once again before he continued to babble on again.

"Relax? How the heck can I relax when I hear that my baby brother had been in a fatal car accident? You relax Randy. How about that?" Michael frowned and crossed his arms.

Randy sighed, rolling his eyes at Michaels words.

I kissed Randy on the cheek, whispering to him that I'd be back later. I walked out the room, not giving Michael a second look as I left the two of them alone. I could feel his stare burning through my back as I left the room.

I planned on canceling all work related stuff for awhile. Which is easy since I'm a model and actress. It's basically just turning gigs down till I'm ready to get back into stuff. Money wasn't a problem since I'd been saving since I'd started my career. And if I ever fell short, I always had daddy to lean on and help me out.

I gave Jacob Gibbs a call, telling him what happened and why I'd like to put everything on hold for awhile. Of course he was very understanding after I expressed to him that he'd still be getting paid regardless.

I hung up the phone and packed a bag before heading back to the hospital.

It's weird how you take advantage of the family and friends you have until it's too late or in this case, almost too late.

But thank God Randy is okay.



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