dear sun

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Based off of the hero licence exam 

He didn't know what to do.

"You coward." Aoyama whispered to himself, head held within his hands and accent gone. He was hiding again.

He was doing fine, he thought, being surrounded by the strong, fast, and the strategies. But, luck was never on his side, no matter how much glitter he wears. He was so, so flawed.
He knew, logically, that the Boulder wouldn't let him take cover from the eyes of predators much longer. Aoyama wished that his skin would stop screaming insecurity and fear. He will never meet anyone's expectations.

What was he thinking, trying to become a hero- someone good enough- to save the ones who can't help themselves.

His face felt wet, but Aoyama refused to notice it, to notice the puffiness of his rosy cheeks. His red mask holds no secrets.

He suddenly shivered, footfalls reminding him he was prey- the lesser of a man.


Surely Iida wouldn't witness the messy trails of his mascara, let himself believe the pinkness of his eyes didn't exist. And so he turned, smile plastered to his lips much like a pretty, fragile doll.

"Iida? Are you alone?" He laughed, proud that the other hasn't noticed. His vision wasn't the best. "What a coincidence, so am I!" The man jogged up to where he was hiding, and raised a muscled arm in his usual manner. "I've been trying to help those in class 1-A as much as I can!" He spoke fast. "A number of us has gathered in one place and I came to look for others." Oh. "Huh?" He didn't know what emotion he was feeling. "Does that mean you're running around by yourself?" Iida nodded.

Aoyama laughed. It was bitter and self- destroying, but he let the fakeness roll off his tongue. He was sure Iida had a confused expression under that helmet. "You're so weird!" He waved his hand, smiling was painful. It was hard to open his mouth. "How do you know who's still left? What'll you'll do if everyone left you behind and passed already?" He was Projecting. There was no way Iida would be able to come up with a response to something as real as this. "But, I found you, didn't I?" What? He didn't notice his surprise was written on his face. "If everyone else passed first, then that's good! I'm class A's representative. I'm in position to lead," Aoyama saw the students eyes pierce through the slots. It was overwhelming. "As long as time and energy allows, I want to serve the class. That's what my brother would have done." Aoyama could only listen to his heart pound dangerously in his chest. "My actions are also the shape of my dream."

He swears everything  turned sideways. "Ah-" Iida's voice changed to something more familiar to him, back straight and alert. Something Aoyama couldn't read. "Even so, I do want to get my provisional license. The test is nearing its final stages..." He held out a gloved hand, shoving his way through the thick ice Aoyama locked his soul in. " I'll continue my search on my way to getting it. Please work with me!" He doesn't remember taking that hand, larger than life and warmer than the best of campfires. He doesn't remember following the man who latched onto hope.


There were explosions, softer than his own screaming mind.

The smoke he tried to hide in again disappeared, leaving him with a stomach ache and a student from another school jumping in front of him, ready to win. To take advantage of how weak he is.

He is flawed, slow, trapped in a fear stronger than himself.

But, suddenly, Aoyama wasn't face to face with failure, replaced with a pressure on his neck where his vibrant cape connected to his outfit.

He must have blacked out after that, or Iida was faster than he thought changing times around like that. He was dizzy, looking at the sky shake and unhearing to reality- because failure haunts him more than any ghost.

Strong, large, and ever so brilliant didn't let him stay in his personal hell, instead dragging him out by his heart, masculine voice ripping through the pretty lies he covered himself in.
"We'll be hit by stray shots!" That voice, urgent and demanding. He was struck by it, until he wasn't. His mind didn't go down easy, pulling him in like a sailors net and laughing at his suffering. He was reminded, ever so ungenerously of his mistakes and why he was this way.

The warmth on his wrists was no longer enough.

His chest really hurt.

He can't do this anymore.

He's tired.

The realm of memories dropped the rope, let him go to the ashy lands of insecurity he could never handle. He couldn't let Iida drown with him, he had a dream to follow.

Aoyama snatched his hand out of the grasp he missed already and jumped as the class' representative turned sharply.

He let out his last breathe. His last chance.

He bent backwards, felt the metal on his hands dig into his skin and activated his quirk, embracing the pain as it did him. Iida spluttered, hands coming up to his chest in surprise.

"What are you doing?!" Aoyama really likes his voice.

"I'm standing out!" There wasn't the need to hide as a dead man.

"You really are!"

"If you keep protecting me, we'll both be taken down," He felt the strain in his arms, and knew his trembles weren't from the position. "I'll do it for you!"

He wants to see Iida's eyes when he gets his provisional license.

"Get behind those who're coming to get me while I'm standing out." He grunted, the acid in his belly no longer a friend.

"What are you saying?!" He forgot how stubborn the man can be.

He wants to have more moments like those, without his mind weighing him down. "It might sound sudden, but.. I always wanted to be an equal- they'll be here soon, get ready!" He could feel the ground shake beneath his gloves. He needs Iida to move already, but the other didn't. He could already feel his quirk get waver.


The sound of selfishness was overcome by screeching, and the only thing Aoyama could see now we're birds.

"This is..!"

"Hurry up and take them down before they get you!" A familiar voice etched itself into his head- but his classmates were surrounding him. They were grabbing at him sinking body with their special moves and voices.

He let himself fall over, a Boulder supporting his light body, quirk gone.

"Hey..." He doesn't understand. "Why..?" He asked no one.

"Let's do this!" The sound of splashing cradled Aoyama. "Friends or foe, we were all mixed up, and couldn't see anything around us!" Mina reached into his soul, but the coldness never changed. "But we were able to see your bellybutton laser and meet up again!" Her smile was cheery.

The man on the speaker was counting down numbers.

He doesn't remember getting up, or running beside Iida, but he was, red targets in his hands. "Aoyama, I don't know what you want to be equal with," He liked how his voice was still so strong, even without his quirk, the man was fast. He slowed just barely for the blond. "Because I don't know what you're measuring yourself up against-" The speaker fell on unlistening ears. "But this was thanks to

He was saved from the deep waters of his mind by big hands and warmth from a bigger heart.

They were in sync as the buzzer rang.

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