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His eyes changed in an instant to a metallic silver. He couldn't help himself. The urge was taking control. If he hadn't been in such a quadriplegic state, she would be dead right now.

"I've seen Death and I'm not afraid of it. As for you, impatient for his arrival?"

He didn't like how she looked at him. Her brown eyes beady. Her lips twisted. So judgemental.

She searched the room, needing proof that he was the one that composed the song. Guitar cases lined the wall. A large machine with a reel attached to it. She ran to it and searched for its on and play buttons. She pushed them. And the song that echoed through her mind, played for her yet once again. She grinned. Closed her eyes. She than ran her hand across the machine.

/Who are you? What the hell are you doing here?/ Adam shouted in his head.

"You may call me Juliette. And I only came here to help you. That's all." She let the reel play until the tape kept flipping over and again. She turned it off. She walked back to him and tried touching his arm.

He pulled away. Had she been listening to his thoughts? It wasn't possible. Was it? But how?

"What shall I call you?"

He had a difficult time answering her. His mouth was dry like the desert. His tongue glued to his teeth. His mouth opened. His larynx vibrated with only the sound of "aaaahhh." He thought he sounded like a complete idiot. /A-Adam. It's Adam./

"Adam, thank you." She removed her coat to reveal a scarlet baby doll dress matched with a black belt over black tights and burgundy combat boots. She then tossed the coat on the couch.

/You heard me? How are you able to read my thoughts?/ He was now intrigued.

She shrugged like it was no big deal. "I'm telepathic." She wouldn't say anymore. She tried to redirect the attention back on him and away from herself. "What prompted you to become this way?

/By becoming this way, you mean depressed and anorexic?/ Adam began laughing only because he asked himself that constantly.

"Why are you laughing?"

/You. Asking me these questions. It's so ridiculous. How is this to help me?/ He rolled his eyes.

"I'm trying to help you sort out your feelings. Get to the source of things."

/The source? Death taunts me from afar. Steals from me. Laughs at me. Mocks me. But you. You've seen Death first hand. What is he like? I want to know./

She was taken back by the sudden turn of the conversation. "What more can I add to what you've already described of him?" Her eyes searching the room. "He's ever present around me. There!" She pointed to the corner. "Don't you see him? He's heard his name. Standing there silent. His wings at his side. His skull tilting. Eavesdropping on our conversation like a silly boy trying to catch forbidden secrets between us. Shall we tell him one? You go first." She smirked.

/I hardly know any to tell./ He glanced at all four corners and saw nothing of Death. He didn't know if he should be disappointed or glad of it.

"Come now. Not one to share?"

The Faust In Our StarsWhere stories live. Discover now