Chapter 1 (New Pilot)

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(A/N please forgive any spelling or grammar errors.)

(Althea's P.O.V)

I was always the odd one out, ever since I was young. Back in highschool, I was the smartest kid, but also the only nerd the bullies left alone. The reason for that is, I was always the faster, smarter, and stronger one when it came to fights.

It was no surprise when the PPDC came and told my family that they wanted me to test pilot the new Jaeger. But I was able to handle the Jaeger just fine on my own, so they permanently requited me.

And now here I am, on a helicopter to Hong Kong to fight more kaiju. My Jaeger was officially named Blue Falcon. She was half the size of an average Jaeger. She was faster and was able to dodge any head on kaiju attacks easier than any other.

(TIME SKIP/Herc's P.O.V)

The Marshal had told me that there was a new Jaeger and pilot coming, but when I saw the size of the Jaeger, I didn't really trust it or the pilot that comes with it.

I was walking with Max, and saw Chuck, Raleigh and Yancy all standing in front of the new Jaeger. So I walked over to them. "She ain't much is she?" I asked coming to stand next to Chuck.

"Yea mate, I heard she only needs one pilot...... Raleigh, you piloted Gypsy by yourself when Yancy got hurt when Knife head attacked five years ago... Ya came back nearly dead." Chuck answered.

"Yeah piloting single handed is suicidal... I didn't think Raleigh was going to pull through after that." Yancy said looking at his brother. Both of them nearly died that year.

Suddenly someone comes climbing down from the cockpit. "That's what most people think when they first see her or me for that matter." Said the young woman as she landed on the floor from where she had jumped. "Names Althea, pilot of Blue Falcon."

"Raleigh Beckett. Copilot of Gypsy Danger." Raleigh said, shaking her hand. She seemed like a sweet girl but I could tell she had an attitude like Chuck. A little know-it-all just cause she's piloted a Jaeger.

"I'm Yancy Beckett, Raleigh's older brother. I'm the pilot of Gypsy Danger." Yancy said also shaking her hand.

"Chuck Hansen, pilot of Striker Eureka." Chuck did the same as Raleigh and Yancy. " Herc Hansen, copilot of Striker Eureka." I said, shaking her hand as well. Her hands were rough and calloused, proof that she's a hard worker.

"It's nice to meet you all..... I'm personally a fan of Striker Eureka. Not only the Jaeger but also her pilots." She said. Right then the Marshal called for her, so she left with a nod of her head towards us and walked to where the Marshal was.

I watched her leave for a few seconds then looked back up at the Jaeger. That's when I saw deep kaiju claw and bite marks on the head console. I saw similar marks all over the thing. (That looks like it left some damage.) I thought.


I just broke up a fight between Raleigh and Chuck when the kaiju alarm went off. I looked back at the boys, and then headed for the control room with Chuck and Raleigh right behind me.

Once we got there I looked around and saw the rest of the jeager pilots. The new girl wasn't there though. (The Marshal probably doesn't want her in the battle feild quite yet.) I thought. Just then the Marshal came in and right behind him was the new girl. (What was she doing with the Marshal.) I asked myself.

"Alright, everyone knows what to do..... We have two catagory 3 kaiju..... Suit up and take them out." He said. Then he turned to the new pilot. "Ranger Althea, you are to stand by for assistance. We dont know what your jaeger can do yet."

"Yes sir." Was all she said before she headed to get suited up.

All of us met in the elevator to head down to the jeager bay. I turned and looked at the new girl. She didn't even look like she wa about to go into the battle feild and might not come back. 

"If you have something to say Mr. Hansen, then say it." She said. She didn't even look at me so how did she know  was looking at her.

"You don't look like your afraid you might not come back from this." I said looking her in the eyes.

"I've fought catagory 3 kaiju before.... and I have military training in hand to hand combat. I was recruited for a reason Hansen." She said. Before I could say anything else the doors opened and we went to our seprate jaegers.


My arm was broken and Striker was shut down do to an E.M.P made and fired by the kaiju. I looked out to where the others were and saw that Blue Falcon was moving faster then the others, and was able to take down Otachi before he was able to come after Gypsy. I saw movment out the corner of my eye. So I looked and saw that there was another kaiju heading straight for us. It hit our jaeger and I wasn't able to catch myself quick enough. I fell in the the water and was starting to get swept away by the tide.

(Althea's P.O.V)

I had just seen Herc get knocked off Striker, so I contacted Gypsy. "Gypsy to Blue. Do you read me Yancy." I said heading towards Striker.

"Gypsy to Blue, I read you.... What's the problem?" Yancy asked.

"Herc was knocked off Striker and into the water.... I'm going after him.... I need back up." I said. I was almost to Striker, so I opened the emergancy door, turned my jaeger around, locked it so it wouldn't move, unhooked and called Chuck over to me. "Chuck!.... Come on and get in, I still have to find your father!" Chuck looked over at me, but then he looked at the gap that was between our jaegers.

"I'm not gonna make the jump!" He shouted. I looked in his eyes and could tell he was scared. 

"Chuck, I'll catch you! I won't let you fall I promise!...... Now jump!" I shouted over the storm. Chuck got a running start and jumped.I reached my hand out just as he was about to miss the ledge of my jaeger. I grabbed him and pulled him in. "You alright? Your not hurt are you?" He looked at me and shook his head. "Ok, I'm gonna find your dad now, so hang on to something."

I scaned the watwer where the curent could have taken him. I found him and picked him up with Blue's hand. I locked the hand by the door, unhooked again and went to the door. I pulled Herc in and set him next to Chuck. "Hang on to him, I'll get you both back safely, I promise." I said then went back and piloted the jaeger back to the shatterdom.

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