29. My Girlfriend

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Sara and Will had finished filming the video, where they reveal Sara's identity. Sara didn't know much about editing videos, so Will had to do that. They had agreed to upload it on Will's second channel, sub2willne, as it didn't seem like main channel material. Sara was chatting with George, while Will was in his bedroom, editing.

"Been a crazy couple of months, hasn't it?" George said.

"Tell me about it. I never expected anything like this to happen when I went to London." I said.

"Me neither. Don't tell Will I said this, but I understand why you lied to him in the first place." He said.

"Really?" I said wondering.

"Yeah. I thought about it after Will and I were out for a walk. Y'know, you see a fan, you give a quick hug and a photo and you move on, you don't start friendships with them. And I think that if we knew you were a fan from the beginning, we probably wouldn't have gotten so close with you, because it would just be a reflex to not spend more than 2 minutes with you. It's like, hey, oh you recognize from the internet, moving along. Fans are often infatuated with you and don't really care about who you are, because they already know you from the internet, but I feel that's different from you. You wouldn't be able to fool us for so long if it wasn't." George said. I didn't know what to say. He explained it perfectly. It was nice that he understood, but I also just wanted to forget about it.

"Whoa. You've put some deep thought into that." I said.

"Yeah, I guess I have." George laughed.

"But honestly, I just want to forget about it. I'm not a fan right now. And you know me, and I know you, so there isn't really much to worry about, is there?" I said.

"Yeah, you're right. Sorry I brought it up." George said looking down.

"Nonono, I'm glad you understand, and I'm glad you told me." I said. Then Will came into the room.

"Okay. Done. Want to see the video before I upload it?" Will said.

"Hell yeah," I said. We all went into his room, and Will pressed the play button.

The video started with Sara sitting in front of the camera.

"So, I know what you're thinking. 'Will, did you get a new haircut?', or you have realized that I am not Will. Some of you may recognize me as 'the mysterious girl from George's live show', and after a lot of consideration, we decided to reveal my identity." Sara said in a dramatic narrator voice. Dramatic music was played in the background, while Sara's waved her arms around.

"So yeah. Hello, my name is Sara. I'm from Denmark, recently moved to London. I do have a boyfriend, but it's not George, promise. It's actually-"

Sara was cut off by Will jumping into frame and screaming "ME." Sara laughed and Will sat beside her.

"Right, so, now that you have met my girlfriend, we may have some explaining to do. You know I like to keep my privacy and don't really want to talk about previous girlfriends or my family, but due to recent events, we felt we need to share this with you." Will said.

"I respect every one of Will's fans. I was a fan myself, still am, actually. But some of you scare the living shite out of me." Sara joked.

"Yeah. One of you went into our building and left a note to Sara that told her to stay away from me and George. Now, this doesn't really please me, actually, it scares me too. I love all of you, but one thing I don't want you to do is try to ruin my happiness." Will said, giving the camera a Stern look and wrapped his arm around Sara.

"I know some of you may not be pleased with this news, but I hope you can all respect my decisions in life and can be happy for me... And please, guys, don't threaten my girlfriend, because that makes me very sad." Will said.

"Yeah, I don't really like fearing for my life... But hey, if I was on the other end of this, I'd probably want to kill me too... Please don't..." Sara said.

"Aww, come on... Nobody wants to kill you." Will joked. George entered the room with a bandana on and a knife. Sara and Will slowly turned around in fear, and the video ends with their screams.

"I liked it. A little bit of seriousness, a few jokes and a little bit of possible murder." I said.

"Should I upload it then?" Will said.

"Do it!" I said.

"What should we call it?" Will asked.

"Just call it 'my girlfriend', then you know a lot of people is going to watch it." George said. Will nodded and started uploading the video to Youtube.

"Do you think they'll understand?" I said.

"They have to," Will said and hugged me. This was it... Was I going to be killed or accepted? Only time could tell. You're so philosophical and deep, Sara. But I did fear the fans reactions. This could go very well or very wrong.

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