Chapter 1:First Day if School

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock because today was the first fucking day of school I hate school so much I, I slapped my alarm clock so it will shut the hell up and I got out of bed and walked to my rest room I brushed my teeth and washed my face

I walked out of my bathroom to see my phone light up "who the hell could this be this early in the morning" I picked it up and it was my best friend Cali she texted me saying she was going to pick me up at 7:00 so I replied back ok then after I walked to my closet

I looked through my close picking out a white laced crop top and a jean jacket and my pink skirt that was only a few inches above my knee and some white and black converse I pulled my outfit on my body and went to go do my hair

I plugged in my flat iron and waited for it to warm up in the process I did my make up just some mascara and some liquid eyeliner so when I was done the flat iron was got I curled my hair and I heard a honk out side it was my best friend I grabbed my bag and headed to down stairs

I walked down the last step and my dad was in the kitchen

It's only me and my dad here because my mom died when I was little

I walked up to him and gave a hug and kissed him on the cheek good bye and he said "have a good day nov"

I walked out the front door to get in my friends car and she said "hey bitch" I said "hey" and she pulled out the drive way

We arrived at the school in 10 minutes

There were a lot of people standing in the parking lot and when I stepped out the car guys turned there heads and looked strait at me and it made me feel so uncomfortable but I just kept walking

We walked in the school and me and Cali talked for a bit then the bell rang I started heading to my home room which is economics

When I walked in we already had assigned seats and I was seated next to the biggest man whore in school Beau StuntField

I took my seat next to him and he winked at me i just sighed and looked forward

"Hey baby miss me" Beau said in his signature cocky voice

"Who are you" I replied in a sarcastic tone

His face went straight he thinking I was going to blush or something

Class went by fast and I was going to my next class when some one pulled me by my wrist

And I was pushed up against the locker and there he was my dreamy boy friend Ayiden Stotosta

He said "hey" in his sexy voice and kissed my lips and I kissed back and he slid his tonge across my bottom lip asking for my approval which I denied then he looked at me and said ok and he hugged me tight and I went to class

When I got to my English class there it was again sitting next to that douche Beau why am I sitting next to him in every class


School went by really fast and I told Cali I was going home with Ayiden so we walked to his Audi A8 and got in he looked at me and leaned in and kissed my cheek and held my hand and drove off


There you guys another chapter will be up tomorrow

Leave comments don't be scared to correct me

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