Chapter Two - News

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Shoto Todoroki

The Chief of the Hosu City Police Department came to the hospital to personally thank us for our actions last night. Unfortunately, we would not be given credit for taking down Hero Killer because we aren't pro heroes, instead Endeavor would take all the credit for something he didn't do. My old man has no shame what so ever.

Kenji Tsuragamae, the Chief, was taking his leave. "Wait, Mr. Tsuragamae. What about that girl from yesterday?" Midoriya asked. He was the one to do so though Iida and I were equally as curious.

"That's all the information I can disclose everything else is should be left to the police department." He responded. Midoriya nodded, there was no reason for me to argue with a man... dog doing his job.


On my way out of the hospital, the room door of the girl that saved us yesterday was cracked open. She laid there unconscious with bandages wrapped around her limbs and machines monitoring her vitals.

'Thanks', I thought to myself hoping she knew I owed her my life. I turned my head back to my course of direction and continued walking away.

Staff Room
Eraser Head

I sat in a meeting with the principal, All Might, Present Mic, and Midnight. "As we all are aware, three of your students Midoriya, Todoroki, and Iida are the ones responsible for taking down Hero Killer: Stain. However, there was a girl found of the scene who knocked Hero Killer unconscious before he attempted to murder the group of pros. DNA test have shown that Hero Killer is that girl's father as well as a confirmation from Hero Killer himself."

The principal continued, "There is not much information on her at the moment. What we do know is that her name is Akaguro (F/n), that she's 14 years old, and she's never been enrolled in formal education. Hosu is asking we put her on the right path. There's no better way to do than putting her in the hero's course. She will have to learn and adapt to the new society, in which one of you need to be her temporary guardian seeing that she has no other parent or/and guardian able to take care of her. All Might is out of the question since the Symbol of Peace can't be seen in his natural form. It's between the three of you."

"I'll do it." I said bluntly.
"Yo, why not me?" Present Mic asked.

"Because we want her to have a chance of a good life, not kill herself over how annoying you are. I'll be her temporary guardian. It's just logical, I'll always be watching over her as her homeroom teacher anyway." I said.

"Then it's settled," The principal said, "Once the internships are over, she starts Class 1-A with you, Eraser. There are some papers and forms you have to fill out."

I hummed in response. With that the meeting ended, I stood and stuffed my hands in my pockets while walking away. Present Mic kept screaming "Papa-Eraser", "Eraser-Dad", and "Dadzawa" at me while I walked away.

I got home and started clearing out a room for her to stay in. I had a small townhouse that had three bedrooms upstairs, three bathrooms, and a living room, dinning room, and kitchen downstairs along with a basement I use for training. I didn't have any roommates, people are loud and annoying. Now my empty home was going to have someone else in it.

One Day Later
Your POV

I sat up in my hospital bed. My eyes were having a hard time adjusting to the light. Once I could make out shapes and figures, I analyzed my arms and legs that had multiple bandages wrapped around them. My ears were irritated by the constant beeping and sounds coming from the machines. I detached all the wires connected to me by yanking them off. The stupid beeping was annoying.

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