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Ace's POV

Gone. Stu was gone.

"Stu!" I was looking everywhere for that blue haired angel. After half an hour of looking I grab my coat since it was the middle of august and it was getting cold and trudged out side.

After like fifteen minutes I saw a blue tuft of hair in a strange tree house with a large sign mounted on top of it that read, "Crying house" I shook my head remembering that I had found who I was looking for.

I quickly climbed up the ladder almost falling off a few times due to it being so rickety. I scooted inside to see 2D in an isolated corner weeping which made my heart sink to see him in such a state. I slowly approached him and hugged him but he said something which mad my heart sink even lower, "D-Don't hurt meh!" I flinched, "What are you talking about, I would never do that." I straddled this broken soul as he snuggled himself into my chest.

I admit it was uncomfortable but I couldn't move because 2D was asleep due of the amount of crying he did. I slowly fell asleep and gently held the slightly taller male as I drifted off into a deep slumber and land of dreams.

2D's POV

I awoke to feel ace holding me softly, I loved this feeling but the feeling of hunger was growing. I didn't want to wake up ace so I stayed in his arms until he woke up about ten minutes later. When he woke up I felt like I was finally free, I loved his touch but right now food was my best friend.

We left the crying house and went inside hand in hand. I was bursting with excitement, since Murdoc is gone I can eat something other that dusty corn flakes and as soon as I had this thought Russel busted through the door with ingredients for fresh pancakes eggs and bacon.

In my head I did my snoopy happy dance, I sat at the table waiting for my plate as Russel cooked quietly. Later, Russel had finished and given me a plate, it smelled like heaven and Jesus at the same time. I devoured the meal in seconds it was great, I motioned Ace to come have breakfast too. He got of the couch and sat next to me and Russel gave him a plate. Ace slowly ate its was painfully slow 'cause I had something planned, but it gave me time to study his beautiful features especially his smile.

After Ace finished I grabbed his arm and led him outside, "We gotta go its gonna end soon!"  I rushed him into the car as I put on my driving glasses. "Whats gonna end soon Stu?"  Ace pestered.  "The concert!"  I exclaimed. "What concert?!"  He pestered again. "You'll see you ugly zucchini!"  Ace smirked,  "Well you love this ugly zucchini." He said softly causing me to blush,  "Whatever!"

We had arrived at a large concert  and I gave the security our tickets and He gave us our backstage passes.  As we entered the large crowd Noodle was already on stage singing.  We had missed the opening act.  I shrugged it off as Noodle sang Out of body, I swayed my hips to the beat and dragged Ace into my silly dance.

We had a great time as Noodle continued her concert just for her, We went backstage and right as we did a tackled Noodle, "You were so great!"  I hugged Noodle tightly.  "Thanks guys, and thanks for coming, well I gotta wrap up now so I'll see you guys at home 'kay?"  I nod and  grab Ace's hand but just before we go I look back at Noodle  and she flashes me a thumbs up.

Once Ace and I get home we sit on the couch for a bit, "Did you like it?" I questioned, "Yeah It was great, I liked your dancing too...it was cute." I shoved my face into his coat.

Love you too Acey.~

yee I finally updated plz don't hate me for taking so long

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2018 ⏰

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