In Defense Of... Giselle

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Warning: Character death. 

Disclaimer: I don't own Lab Rats.

   Giselle had a plan. That plan started with a forgotten android.

   It'd been hard finding him. But she'd finally found him underneath a mountain of rubble. Giselle didn't understand why no one had come back for the boy. Surely someone loved him.

   Maybe they'd been scared of the unstable building? No, it had fallen apart ages ago. There was no ceiling or walls to fall down on them.

   Giselle usually wasn't compassionate. After all, she'd tried to kill Chase after all her other plans to get his chip's blueprints failed. But something about this struck a cord in her. Maybe because she was reliving her own experiences with her Dad - him never appreciating her, and when he left.

   Nobody deserved that. Not even someone who isn't even human.

   She carefully dug up the rubble with her one good hand. It took well over half an hour, but the android's metal infrastructure was finally uncovered. Grabbing the bag that she had brought along, she placed each part, whether she thought it important or not, into it. The bag was full, and Giselle could barely hold it, but somehow she made it back to her lab.

   It was a miracle the Davenports hadn't stolen her research. Even though she'd made plenty of androids in the past, she needed it because this one was different. She knew a bit of what she was doing, as she knew how Douglas preferred to build them. She knew that because they'd been lab partners for mostly all of her sophomore year of college. They'd even dated a bit. She shuddered.

   She poured out the metal parts onto a nearby table and immediately got to work. She worked considerably slower than she normally would have. She wanted this android, no, this boy to be perfect. He wasn't like her androids, he had a personality. Emotions. Memories.

   While it took awhile to figure up the parts, it took much, much longer to fix the boy. She had to basically rebuild him from scratch. Wires, molded metal, synthetic limbs, everything. Everything except his chip, which the rubble had done almost nothing to. It needed a nice polish, since it was covered in the tiniest bits of dusty debris, but overall it was fine.

   The hardest parts was made Marcus Marcus: his personality and memories. Otherwise known as the things Giselle had no experience with.

   Why do I want him to have them? Giselle asked herself. All I wanted from him was his super intelligence.

   Somehow, she couldn't answer herself. She just knew that she needed to add it. Maybe because he wasn't just a means to get something.

   Stop it. You can't possibly care for him. You don't even know him, she told herself. (She'd gotten into the habit of talking to herself when she had no one else to talk to. Also known as since high school.)

   Giselle hadn't cared for anyone in a long time. There was a time she cared for Douglas (she shuddered again) and her mom. But Douglas was annoying, egotistical, and just plain not worth her time. And her mom? Well, that's not a story for young kids. The point is, the feeling was strange. But... warm? She had no clue how to explain it. It was just nice.

   The first thing she finished (besides polishing the chip) was the actual body. That part was the easiest, as she'd done it countless times. Now came the hard parts, the parts that took mountain loads of research and even more speculation.

   While she was a good programmer, (better than good, actually), this part was hard. But it wasn't like Giselle to give up. Heck, she'd spent twenty years on Troy. Apparently she should've done it for a couple more, but the point still stands. She was persistent.

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