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"Tony?" Steve stepped inside Tony's lab like a frightened mouse who was testing its luck

There came no reply from the half lit room, Steve looked around him, he had never really been in here before

It was a very big space, in the corner there was some kind of huge white box that had flashing lights on it and was draped in coils of thick wire, in front of him and at the far wall were an assortment of iron man suits, each more impressive than the next, there were lots of work benches, many of which had half made gadgets on them, strew paper and coffee cups,

But as Steve looked around, his eyes fell to the far right corner, the lights were off and each bench was empty, Steve stepped forward and jumped as he heard a crunching sound

He looked down to see he had stepped on something, he picked up a small piece of metal and put it onto the workbench, then he held back a gasp as he looked to the floor in front of him

It was no wonder the workbenches were empty, the contents of them had been strewn across the floor, glass bottles shattered, papers ripped, chemicals dripping into the floor and electrical outlets spluttering

"Tony?" Steve said, louder this time, fearing for the worst

He paced over, stepping over the mess on he floor, still he saw no one, he froze as he heard a sound behind him

He slowly turned his head and what he saw broke his heart

It was tony, sitting with his back against the wall, his knees were pressed to his chest and a bottle of whiskey in his hand. His cheeks were tears stained and his eyes were red and swollen, quietly sobbing

"Tony" Steve said in a relived tone but tong didn't look up

Steve was unsure of what to do, so he carefully made his way over to the distraught man, sitting down beside him and gazing out over the lab

"I know what you're going through" he began and Tony didn't interject so Steve continued "I know the feeling of guilt, and panic and despair and it's awful,"

Steve put out his hand as to stop Tony from taking a swig out of the already almost empty bottom of whisky and Tony glared at the floor as Steve took the bottom and placed it over where Tony could not reach

"I'm not going to sugar coat it" he continued as if nothing happened "- it doesn't get any better until they're here"

"But she's not here is she?!" Tony yelled jumping up and quickly wiping his face and looking away from Steve

"So we get her back to you"


"We get her back"

"It's not that fucking simple Steve!"

Steve paused, calculating his next move and thinking about what he wanted when this was him

"Well..." Steve sighed and stood up, walking towards tony, he must have been at least a head taller than him and he cast a shadow over the smaller man "there's no time like the present"

Tony had a strange look on his face, you could say it was relief but one could not be sure

"You have a team of superheroes behind you, the entirety of SHIELD at your disposal and you are the smartest man in the world, if anyone is going to find her it will be us"

The two men were silent for a moment, sinking in the situation

Suddenly Tony walked past Steve at a fast pace, walking over to the centre of the room

"Tony stop, did what I just say mean nothing to you?" Steve turned to look at tony, thinking he was just brushing him off

"What?" No! You said there's no time like the present, so we may as well get started" Tony pulled up a hologram and a keyboard appeared below his hands, he began typing furiously

A map of the world appeared, more and more red dots began appearing on it as Tony worked

"Um, ok? Should I just- go then?" Steve asked after a moment, feeling awkward

"Shh" tony shushed Steve

"Right, well that's good, I'm just going to go.." Steve trailed off as he once again stepped over the mess on the floor and walked swiftly out of the lab  

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