Chapter 1

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"JOHN FUCK OFF" you screamed as you were shot in the back of the head. Not in real life, of course but in CS:GO. You as well as some other YouTube friends had been recording for at least 2 hours now and you were getting sick of their shit. John's obsession with team killing especially. The only thing trumping your amazement that he hadn't been banned yet was your own untamed rage. 

"John stop, you're going to get banned" Fitz laughed.

"Nah, dog everything's all good in the hood" Said John in that strange... surfer dude (?) accent he did sometimes. 

You smiled to yourself, momentarily content as you re-spawned for the next round. You never understood why John made you smile like that. That happy feeling was immediately washed away as you were, again shot in the head.

"OH MY- HAHAHAH" You laughed. John had been banned. 

"Karma's a bitch" Smii7y chuckled.

"Who the fuck is Karma? Is she hot?" Replied John.

"YEET" Cried Swagger.

"Ok I think I'm done for today" You laughed.

"Alright take it easy" Said Fitz

"See ya" Said Smii7y and John


You left the call just in time to cut out Swagger's piercing scream. You Laughed as you stretched, stood up and walked out of your recording room into the living room, sitting on a couch. 

"Those morons" You mumbled to yourself. You picked up your phone and started scrolling through twitter. After a few minutes you came across a tweet from one of your, and John's, favourite artists, bbno$. 

"BBNO$ FALL 2018 CANADA TOUR!" the caption read. 

"Click the link to see if I'm coming to a town near you! Skurr skurr"

Hey that sounds pretty cool. You clicked the link and scrolled through the list of cities. 

" Come on Toronto... Toronto..." you mumbled to yourself, looking for your city.

"TORONTO!" You exclaimed as you found it. You immediately texted John.

⊱ ━━━━.⋅ εïз ⋅.━━━━ ⊰

Heyy :You

John: Hey😎

You see bbno$ latest tweet?? :You

John: No, what's goin on?

He's doing a Canada tour and coming to Toronto :You

John: Oh cool. You going?

I was thinking we could go together: You

I'll pay for flights, I just thought it could be fun: You

John: No need, sounds awesome. When should I come up?

⊱ ━━━━.⋅ εïз ⋅.━━━━ ⊰

You and John spent the rest of the day organising things. You both decided that John could stay at your house. You were a little nervous about this but you agreed it would save him accommodation costs. You were honestly feeling super pumped for this. It would be your first time meeting John IRL and it was for a bbno$ concert. But you also couldn't understand why you were so nervous. You had known John for years, you had been friends for years, you had no reason to be nervous. But you still were...


Sorry it's so short, gotta get my creative juices flowing. Anyway thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed. Peace out.

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