Chapter 1

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When Angus Tuck and his wife, Mae Tuck, found out about Winnie's death, they made their way to find their sons, Jesse Tuck and Miles Tuck. The two of them knew that their sons would be crushed, Angus thought of Winnie as the daughter he never had, so of course he was heartbroken.

They made their way to the house with tears streaming down their faces and heartbroken expressions. It was a stormy day, it made it seem like the world was as miserable as them.

While heading down the path, Tuck and Mae were silent, sitting in the painful silence, except for the subtle sniffles, sound of sobbing and hiccuping, made them think, and they didn't want to think at that moment, it made them think about Winnie. Winnie was a sweet little girl, well woman, and yes, she deserved a long life, but not to live forever, it made the Tucks go mad themselves, living forever.

With all the thinking they were doing, they didn't realize that they were now outside their house. The put their horses in the barn that was located next to the house, and made their way inside their little cottage that they spent most of their time in, to tell their sons the awful news of Winnie's passing.

After they told their sons the news, Jesse, their youngest son, started bawling and screaming, tears were aggressively streaming down his face, "I LOVED HER! WHY- why, why didn't she drink the spring water?!"

"Jesse," Mae's voice started shaking tremendously, "when we got there, everything was different , t-there was gas stations and more houses, it looked like and actual town, like it was lived in, Jesse. The Wood was gone, we asked about it, a-and they said there was lightening, and a horrible storm and it burned down the Wood."

"Why didn't she take my offer?" Jesse began, almost breaking down again,
"Did she not want to b-be with me?!"

"Jesse, living forever is a curse, I wouldn't want to put that burden of being alive for eternity on Winnie's shoulders, " Angus Tuck took over the conversation, "and we waited too long, she was 10 when we left, she died at 78, and during that whole time we never saw her, not once! Do you know how long that is to wait for someone?"

"Yeah, I get it, but I live for eternity, how do you think I feel? I haven't found someone to spend forever with, literally, and when I do find the one I want to live forever with, she leaves me." Jesse stated.

"Jesse," Miles began his sentence "You kind of left her, we all left her. But it was for a good reason, we just came back too late."

Everybody sat in silence for a while, thinking about how they left Winnie. Jesse was the poor girl's first crush, and he left her. He feels bad about it, but like miles said, it was for a good reason, he just didn't get back to Winnie in time. He wanted to be with her and bad. But there was nothing he could do to get her back, the only thing that he could do that would've let him be with her forever didn't exist anymore, and when it did exist Winnie didn't accept the offer.

A million thoughts were running through Jesse's head. His emotions were all over the place, he didn't know what he was feeling at that moment in time. Usually he was someone who can control his emotions, as well as conceal them but right now that wasn't possible. He needed to go for a walk, so he can clear his head, so he didn't think of the source of his pain.

When Jesse was on his walk, he bumped into someone, a girl.

"Oh! I-I am so sorry mister, I didn't mean to bump into you, I-I wasn't watching where is was going and I was running, well sprinting and-" The stranger started rambling until Jesse cut her off.

"It's fine, I should've been watching where I was going. It is all my fault, I'm so sorry miss." Jesse apologized.

"But it wasn't your fault, m-my head was down and I-I-I-I," The girl started stuttering so much she couldn't finish her sentence. Jesse wondered if something was chasing her perhaps, she was running after all, and she seemed really scared, or she was late for something.

"Are you alright, miss? You seemed to be running, are you late for something or are you being chased? I can chase the person or thing that sent you running off so fast, if you please." Jesse offered.

"N-no, I'm alright, thank you for the offer though." She said gratefully, catching her breath.

"Are you sure, I can be quite," Jesse paused trying to find the right word, "Invincible at times."

The girl laughed, thinking he was joking, "Ha- ha, you are quite the funny guy, aren't you." She said more as a statement than a question.

"I'm Cassady, but you can call me Cass or Cassie for short." Cassie said with the bubbly personality that Jesse picked up earlier when he bumped into her.

"Well, I'm Jesse, it was nice meeting you Cassie, but I have to get home before my mother starts wondering where I am, and when she does that, I know I'm going to be doomed." Jesse shuddered, thinking about the wrath of his mother, she is so protective, she was so protective over Winnie that she hit a guy over the head with a shotgun when he tried to take her, imagine being her child.

Jesse's mood immediately became dreary when he thought about Winnie.

Cassie laughed again, "Well I don't want you getting in trouble with your mama because of me, so this is goodbye, for now."

Cassie slipped a piece of paper in his hand, it was a time and the name of the street they happened to be on now.

"Goodbye for now, Cassie." Jesse started to leave but was stopped by the short-haired female.

"Meet me at that time at this place right here tomorrow, if you can." Cassie said before running off.

"Well that was interesting", Jesse thought aloud.


"Where were you?!" Jesse heard right when he stepped foot into the house again, "We were so worried about you, you could've gotten hurt. We could've found you beaten and bruised in a ditch somewhere. You can't just walk out of the house without telling someone!" His mom screamed at him.

"Mama, I just went on a walk to clear my head, and I bumped into someone and talked with her and lost track of time, I'm sorry." Jesse started to plead with his mom, so he didn't get in that much trouble with her.

"Wait, her." Miles said surprised that Jesse was "moving on" so fast.

"Yes, her, am I not allowed to have girl friends?" Jesse asked curiously.

"Yes, you are", Mae started, "But I didn't think you would be moving on from her death so fast. Your father isn't even over her death." She said truly surprised, they didn't want to speak Winnie's name, it hurt them too much.

"I'm not over her death to be truly honest, I just don't want to be lying in bed sulking for the next couple days, weeks, or even months." Jesse said.

Jesse started walking up to his room, then paused, "I plan on meeting her tomorrow." He then continued to walk up the stairs.

Miles didn't know why Jesse wasn't acting like himself, well as normal as he would be when he was sad, it was making Miles really confused.

Miles gasped lowly, he had an idea.


If you have any constructive criticism or ideas on what I should do with the plot, put them

in the comments please :)

This is also my first story, it started off being a final project for my English class but I liked

the way the story was going so i decided to share it and put it on Wattpad.

I hope you guys have fantastic day/night :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2018 ⏰

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