Raising a curious eyebrow, I took it. It was a folded paper. I opened as my fingers slide through the soft surface of the paper. The paper was surprisingly neat. Inside, was a phone number. There was something written. It says : I just saved your life. Thank me later ;) There was something written under it too.


Tord? What does that mean? Or is it a name? Is it his name? What a weird name...

As my mind went somewhere, pain went through my head like a dagger. I hissed in pain as I quickly clutched my head with my palms. I massaged my temple with two of my fingers, feeling my long nails gently pressing on my skin.

His sharp silver eyes appeared in my vision. They were like two moons shining in his eyes. It almost looked like they were glowing.

They were beautiful.

My eyes glued on the paper sitting on the floor, scanning the number written down on it. All my answers are in this piece of paper. I didn't think twice about taking the paper before sprinting out of the bathroom.

I took my phone in my desk before plopping down on my checkered bed, landing flat on my stomach. I opened my phone to see the time displayed on the lockscreen. 24:45. It's twelve already?

I quickly dialed his number, kicking my feet like some girl who was about to call her crush. It didn't even get to ring twice when he had already picked up his phone. Huh.

"Greetings, Thomas. What a pleasant surprise."

My jaws dropped. "H-How do you know my name?"

"I know everyone in this town, kid."

I was a bit surprised on how his personality changed so fast. "W-Well, can you tell me about what happened... t-that night?"I fiddled with my thumb anxiously.

"Oh. You got drunk in a party— you were pretty wasted— you got into a fight, and the police came."

I awkwardly waited for him to continue. "Is that it? Why'd you drop me off my friend's house?" How'd he even know my friend's house? I wanted to ask him but I wanted to keep my questions to a minimum.

"Your house is like— a thousand miles away from the party so I figured I could drop you off at Edd's house, which is much closer compared to Matt and yours."

"I'm honestly freaked out on how you know my friends and our adresses."

"Like I said, I know every single one in this town."

"How much do you know about me?"

"Preeeeeetty much everything about you."

"Why? How?"

I could hear him shuffle on the other line.

"Sorry. I'm in the car right now."

In the middle of the night? "Oh. Where are you heading to?"

Silence. I anxiously waited for him to respond.

"Yo, I'm outside your house."

I felt my heart skip a beat. He's outside my house? Why didn't I hear a car pull up? It's in the middle of the night, for crying out loud. Forget that. He's outside my house. Oh my god, he's outside my house. F*ck, what do I do? JUST PEEK OUT THE WINDOW TO CHECK. He's probably playing games on you.

I rolled myself off from my bed, stumbling my way across the room towards the window. I climbed on the windowsill with each of my knees. I pressed a hand on the cold surface of the glass and leaned against it, trying to get a good look of our front yard.

There he was. Tord.

I couldn't see clearly from a far, with only a street light to illuminate the dark. A red cadillac was parked behind him, which I assumed was his. The only thing that distracted me was that two spikes poking out of his head. I could only see him as a silhouette. Like the Devil's silhouette

He must've noticed me 'cause he raised an arm up then waved it slightly while is other hand is still tucked inside his pocket.

I didn't know what to do so out of awkwardness, I waved back hesitantly before quickly going back my room. I hopped around my room in excitement, feeling all the muscles in my body tense. Both scared and excited. "Be right there."I said through the phone, trying not to sound too excited.

"Alright, make it quick."

He responded before dropping the call. I could feel my heart pounding against my chest repidly. I threw my phone somewhere in my bed as I raced towards my closet. I didn't bother to change out of my pajamas, I just wore a blue hoodie over my grey shirt. I slipped on a pair of fluffy boots since it's cold outside and I don't want to freeze to death.

I ran out of my room, not caring if I made any noise since my parents were out tonight. I slid on the stair's railing then hopped off when I reached the bottom. I sprinted across the living room and busted out the door. When my eyes landed on Tord, I felt my cheeks heat up in embarassment. Great, way up to not looking a complete weirdo. He probably knows that already.

I heard him chuckle. His laugh made it more hard to just take a step from the doorstep. "First time out in the streets in the middle of the night, kitty boy? You should bring your tomee bear with you."Tord smiles sheepishly as he stepped into the street light. I could see his features more clearer but it wasn't enough, so I walked up to him with each hesitant steps. "I'm just..."I spoke as I took another step, feeling my eyes locking with his silver ones. ", not into midnight voyages..."

And there stood he, the orange street light made his ivory skin vibrant. His caramel hair had to spikes sticking out his head. It actually looks kind of weird now. "Well, you should get used to it. 'Cause this won't be your last."

"W-Where are you taking me?"

He turned around towards his cadillac and opened a door for me, stepping aside, with a huge grin, he said, "Somewhere I think you'll like. You're not gonna regret it. Hop in."


Im in da middle of an exam and yet here i am

TomTord Oneshots [OnGoing]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ